View Full Version : Recurrent PA's after a long time

22-04-08, 20:55
I would love to hear about anyone’s experience who has had their PA's return after a long remission. I was over 2 years PA free (sound like a junkie hah!) and then one day it was like a switch had been turned and they were back. I have run the gamut of feelings between, well, panic of course, anger, sadness, feeling scared and alone in just over a week. The week before I was calm and together. It is amazing to me that such a change occurred so quickly and without any new triggers. My neck and head pain are back (hadn’t missed those). I will stop sounding like Moaning Myrtle now and just say I would love to hear from those of you who have had this happen and hear about how you are coping.

23-04-08, 00:28
Well you know it will go eventually Lila. I'd just keep reminding myself that you had it once and it went away, and it will do the same again. Don't think that just because it came back that you are maybe stuck with it. The quicker you stop fearing it, the quicker it will go away.

23-04-08, 12:03
Hi Lila... i was 2/3 years anxiety free too and 4 weeks ago it came crashing back into my life :weep: ...i don't know why either and at first i was terrified , then sad, tired, confused and i think now im still a bit in shock but heading towards grudging acceptance but i agree that it shakes your confidence .....after my first bout of anxiety i told myself i was someone who had suffered an anxiety illness and got over it..it was behind me. but now it has come back i am asking myself, am i now someone who suffers from anxiety full stop.... is this a part of me, and if so where do i go from here??, im not sure what the answer to my question is yet but i am determined to beat this and hopefully this time it will be for good... i understand your feelings totally ..pm me ANYTIME
Hugs :bighug1:

23-04-08, 16:36
Thanks guys. I am starting to think that way also Bluebell, that I am a person who suffers from anxiety. I wish I knew where to go from there! I know I beat it once, so Tom.... you are right, I can do it again. I just wish I didn't have too :(

Feeling pretty low today.

24-04-08, 01:40

I'm new to this forum, but unfurtonately not to PA's. :)

I was so glad to find this message board and a group of people that could relate to what I've been going through.
Nice to know you're not alone and completley insane. Even though I don't wish this on anyone.

I had my first bout of PA's about 3.5 yrs. ago. I won't go into the details, I'm sure you've all heard them before.

The reason I'm here is because after several years of not having one, they are reaccuring. Of course I'm going through the same fears, asking myself
" Am I having a heart attack " ? " " Why is there so much pressure in my ears and head like it's going to explode, am I having an aneurysm " ?
" Why can't I breath " ? and so on and so forth .

I've been taking Clonazepam 0.5 mg and I take 1 and a half tablets a day for over 3 yrs. now . I know this is a crutch, but it's gotten me through this far. I have also practiced breathing exercises, better diet etc.

Why would this stop working all of a sudden ? Is this common ?

There is a lot more stress in my life right now....

I guess I'm wondering the usual question, is this really PA's again ? Or is it something else this time ?

Thanks for your patients and any input you have.


24-04-08, 02:29
I was free from anxiety/agoraphobia/panics for 8 years, then wham it hit me again. I thought i was rid of them for good....but no.
Id forgotten what panics were like because it was literally like a light switch...there one minute...gone the next.
Now theyre back with a vengance since i started the menopause last summer.
But this time i refuse to let them take over my life again....ive beaten it once and i will do it again....:winks: you can too im sure
Take care

24-04-08, 12:18
Hi Lila,

Sorry to hear you're having a tough time. I have been managing this for about 4 years now. 2 years ago I started meds because I couldnt cope any more. I've done really well on them and was reducing. I got stuck at 20mg though because any less makes me feel rubbish.

Been ok and achieved a lot then last week got panicky night before doctor appointment. Had feeling they would tell me to come off meds because I'm pregnant. I tried cutting back, though it scared me because I already felt bad. Now I've had a miscarriage because it was ectopic pregnancy and I narrowly escaped surgery.

Now I'm sat at home recovering. I came in to post about feeling rubbish after doing ok for so long, and you've already done it lol.

The physical symptoms are easing, but the emotional and mental ones feel like they are just beginning. I am feeling more anxious now, worrying about whether to go back to work on Monday. its all tied up with worries for my health we had last week, and surgery.

Trying my best to stay off sugar (including chocolate!) don't drink coffee anyway, and drinking lots of camomile tea and trying to distract myself.
Now my PC is going strange so I h hope you can read this because I cant!.:shrug:
Hope you feel better soon.

24-04-08, 17:29
i am the same my pa went away for about 18 months then came back last september and there still here.

i thought i had got rid off them just shows u they do come back just this time i wont let them win.

24-04-08, 17:31
Thanks for the responses all. I am sorry to hear you guys had it come back but it is nice to know other people know what you are going through.

Insomniac, I am so very sorry to hear about your situation and I hope things get better for you soon.

Rebecca, sure sounds like PA's to me! I wish I had the answers as to why it would come back, but if you are having a lot of life stressors right now it could trigger this reaction. You should probably talk to your Dr about your dose as it may need adjusting while you are going through these stressors. Hope you feel better soon.

lesleya, so sorry to hear they returned after 8 years!! Do you think it was the hormonal changes that triggered yours?