View Full Version : does anyone get this?

22-04-08, 22:35

Does anyone get this...........

I have been stressing out today for a number of reasons and now I feel all itchy and irritable.
I have been trying to distract myself but now I feel even more itchy, no rash or anything just gettin very annoyed at myself because I am sure its all in my head grrrrrr.

Just wondered if anyone else gets this?

:curse:I think I have been doing too much of this today thats the only time I get it.

Claire x

23-04-08, 00:17
Hi there,

Well,.. I can only go by my own experiences, and so this could OR not be the cause.

I have been through detox relating to alcohol, this caused me to do this, although more intense things were happening too, but this still could be a slight cause ?

Another,.. could be weaning yourself off medication?

Two more I can think of, although haven't had these experiences myself are ; Washing Powder and actually stress related High Blood Pressure.
Now, I really don't want to worry you over the last, because I believe,.. (NOT entirely sure), that this may only accure in older people, having known some that have experienced this.
Please don't quote me on that !

I hope you're able to find the cause, because I can imagine it can be extremely frustarating!!

Good Luck. xx

25-04-08, 07:41
Hi Claire - i think getting really stressed out can make you itchy and scratchy and tense - sometimes i find myself tapping my foot reallly hard !! My friend at work knows when i am concentrating on a stressful job as my left foot bangs against my chair - must drive him bonkers !! Deep breaths chick - walk away from the thing that makes you angry - i go and sit on my porch step and close the door!!The more you think you are itchy the more itches you find !! Nina xx

25-04-08, 08:43
Claire :hugs: when I went to work last night and not feeling great I scratched and one of the kids asked me if I had nits as they're going around school at the mo :wacko: my legs and arms were very itchy so I guess it's this anxiety hun cos I never itch normally. Hope this helps to reassure you a wee bit :hugs: :hugs: xxx