View Full Version : Introduction

22-04-08, 22:47
Hello, everyone:

My name is Mike, and I live in the southern portion of the United States.

For some time, I have not felt normal. Over the last few years, those feelings of stress and anxiety grew stronger. I tended to brush things off, putting the fact that I sometimes felt strange when out with friends, being irritable, having trouble sleeping, etc to the stresss I was under at work. There was a great deal going on, and it was very easy to attribute my feelings to that, and promise myself that once the ongoing work crisis was over I would begin to de-stress and get back into a better frame of mind.

This went on from the middle of 2004 until January of 2007. At that time, I chose to resign and pursue writing full time. I currently work from home.

I thought that as the months went by I would begin to feel better. Instead, I felt worse. Still, I chose to take herbs and whatnot for the stress, and attempt to exercise several times a week. Finally, in the autumn of 2007 I saw a doctor who found some issues, which we addressed. However by then I was beginning to have experiences where I felt that I was going to faint, lose my mind or even die. I was given a prescription for a low dosage of Xanax, and that has proven to be helpful.

I began to see a different doctor in February of this year. He ran a great many more tests, ruled out thyroid and other issues, and found that I was suffering with a reactivated Epstein-Barr Virus, diagnosed me with Generalized Anxiety disorder, and with panic disorder. He immediately placed me on Vitamin C and B-complex vitamins. A month into the treatment, he increased the amount of the Vitamin C and also added calcium and magnesium to my daily regimen. He also continued the Xanax at the same level.

I am improving some, in that I do have days where I have some energy, and when the panic attacks come, they no longer bring thoughts of dying (still feel as if my sanity is slipping away, however). The EBV robbed me of all my energy, and having a panic attack used up resources I simply did not have. If I do not gauge the situation properly and take the Xanax in time, I will be without any energy to function for several days. Even with the Xanax, if I try to do too much, I am weaker the next day and seem to be more suspectible to the anxiety.

While I do seem to have energy more often, I still have a way to go yet. At the same time, the agoraphobia seems to be stronger. Today, for example, I have a relatively decent amount of energy, am enjoying having the windows open and letting a breeze into the house. I have been on a short bike ride around the neighborhood, and was able to do some simple exercises and enjoy them. But at the same time, there is this stifling sense of not wanting to go outside. My best friend called a little while ago and wondered if I felt up to going to dinner tonight - the idea absolutely scared me to death for some reason - the place he had in mind is one we have been to before where I was successfully able to contain the anxiety - but somehow today it seems like too much.

I feel I am letting my loved ones down. So many people have let me know they are there for me, especially my best friend. But when I have days like today, I feel like such a burden. But it seems that bundled in with the EBV and the panic/anxiety my emotions are very close to the surface and even everyday sounds can sometimes move me into panic mode (such as in a restaurant where people are talking in normal tones, or there is both a television and a radio going in the background). On a day like today, I simply freeze up at the idea of putting myself in that environment.

One more word on the EBV - as of my last doctor visit, the bloodwork does show the virus is now in a convalescent state, so we are making progress and I can look forward to the fatigue, nausea, and general malaise to fade more as time goes by. My doctor recommends patience, getting out when I can, and allowing myself light exercise on days when I feel more energetic. I do pretty well having people in for dinner and such, and there are a few places around town that seem to strike me as safe on most occasions, so I am not completely housebound.

I guess my main desire for signing up for this forum is to reinforce to myself that I am not alone with this sort of thing, that other people do deal with it, and that it is possible to get better. Days like today, even though I know in my head I am making progress, my heart doesn't seem to get the message.

Thank you all for allowing me to get this out. It did help me a great deal.

22-04-08, 23:24
Hi Mike :welcome: to NMP...you have come to the right place to find like minded people... it sounds like you have had a lot to deal with over recent years but it does sound to me like you are making real progress... sometimes it is hard to convince ourselves of this tho, which is where this site is soo good.. everybody is just so friendly and supportive and this is just so helpful when you are having a not so good day (which i admit is the case for me today) and then feel like you are not making the progress you would like......i am glad that you are able to get out a bit on the good days its so important to keep that connection with the outside world and you are so lucky to have such a good friend.... be kind to yourself, you are not letting anybody down, in fact quite the opposite.. it sounds like you are doing all the right things and i am sure that you will get there in the end....:yesyes: ... keep posting.. i agree it really does help :)
Take Care

23-04-08, 00:15
hi mike you will get loads of support and advice here and we are all lovely. no one judges and we all understand each other xxxx

23-04-08, 03:20
Thank you, Rach and Donna! Hopefully, I can add something to the warmth and support that is already present on this message board.

It is evening here for me and soon will be bedtime. I am having a cup of chamomile tea with a little milk to help me relax, and hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

Take care,


23-04-08, 06:44
Hi Mike

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

23-04-08, 06:48
Welcome to the site! :D

23-04-08, 13:11
Hello Mike And Welcome ...i Wish Ya Well...........linda

23-04-08, 18:02
Hi Mike,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

23-04-08, 18:33
hiya mtatum :welcome: to nmp its lovely you have you here:biggrin: . this place has give me so much help and support and im sure you will find it does just the same for you. dont forget to visit the chat room where you can talk to us all.
best wishes
takecare:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


23-04-08, 20:45
Thank you all, and thank you Kellie for the invitation to the chat room. I may do that one of these days, assuming my system will support the application. I have an older computer that I refuse to replace until it heaves a sigh and draws one final breath, but it may work just fine.

23-04-08, 21:51
Hi Mike

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

You will get loads of support and advice and meet some fab people.

24-04-08, 20:26
Hi and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :smile:

24-04-08, 20:33
Hi Mike and :welcome:


30-04-08, 11:18

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

30-04-08, 11:26
welcome to nmp

love dawny