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View Full Version : Irritable Bowel :(

22-04-08, 22:58
So it's been a long time since I last posted, so I suppose I should start with the fact that I'm not very depressed anymore... :) My boyfriend helped me, he was persistant, kept saying 'you'll be happy by Christmas' and you know what, at Christmas he proposed. So I'm happy. :)

But that's not good enough apparently. After being in hospital in January with kidney, chest and throat infections, I've been quite low. My fiance and I got that Norovirus thing which sucked.

But for me it didn't go away. Went to the doctors yesterday and he told me that I've now got Irritable Bowel Syndrome. (My mother and I suspected I've had this for years.) Doc told me that it's probably because my stomach is sensitive and that I'm worried about it all - Norovirus wasn't very nice.

So anyway, I'm posting because I'm all a bit confused by IBS. I've had gastritis before, but the Doc said this is different. He gave me pills for it - Mebeverine and Metoclopramide - and said if it's not better/gone in two weeks to go back to see him.

Basically, could someone tell me a bit more about IBS and the pills I'm on, if you know. :)

I've been on so many pills in the last year, I should rattle!


22-04-08, 23:09
IBS page here ...


Hope it helps

23-04-08, 10:46

I have had ibs for more than 20 years.

I dont take any medication for it, because i find they dont help.

I have worked out what foods make the pain worse and try and stay away from them

Also stress does make the ibs worse, and when my anxiety is bad i tend to get the symptoms more.

love mandie x

23-04-08, 11:00
Hi hun

Ive just been diagnosed with IBS.

Mebeverine is an antispasmodic - the doctor gave me those down as well. I think they relax the muscles in the bowel so that the cramp feelings go away and food can pass through you more efficiently.

They said its a case of trial and error when finding out which foods make you worse. I found that milk, cheese and butter seemed to be the main culprits for me. Rich foods can be the cause for a lot of people, but sometimes, people who eat too much fibre can be affected too!

I have also been gluten intolerant for just over a year so it can be frustrating when you cant eat certain things!

Sorry this isnt much help but thought I'd post just so you know you're not on your own :hugs:

Jo xxxxx

22-05-09, 17:05
hey, I have irritable bowel, suffered with it on and off for years before the doctor finally said what it was.used to get terrible cramps, so bad I couldnt stand straight and everytime I ate I used to get acid reflux :(.I still get the odd twinge and my belly swells to twice its size when I eat but ive somehow learnt to live with it, had no choice really.the doc put me on omeprazole which apparently slows down digestion makin it easier to digest foods and make cramps and bloating lessen but honestly those pills did not work, just made me feel worse so im now coping without medication and have been for the past 7 years.I have the odd day where I feel sick, my weight fluctuates as does my eating habits and sometimes its a pain havin a swollen belly when u wanna fit in nice skinny jeans (I wake up with size 8 belly, go to sleep with a size 12 belly lol) but apart from that its not so bad.try not to worry and just go with what feels right for you :)