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View Full Version : HELP SCARED EAR PAINS :s

23-04-08, 00:11
im getting pains behind both ears (it started off as one) and its been coming and going all day. ive also got a really tense neck and shoulders. feel really scared and darent sleep.
has anyone else had these feelings?
i googled it like an idiot and it came up with all horrible things :(

really really REALLY scared. and alone at uni :(

please help fellow anxietics xxxxx

23-04-08, 00:20
If it's behind both ear's LJ, it's not going to be anything to worry about. Maybe it's just a minor inner ear infection. You have to be careful googling, or you can imagine you have all sorts of complaints.

23-04-08, 00:25
i know ive just scared myself silly. the amount of times ive been told not to google things, and i always do.

i hope its just tension, cos ive had a lot of stress this past week. and a LOT of uni work to do, sitting in awkard positions etc.

:( oh dear

23-04-08, 00:31
Do you have a temperature or any other problems - headache, sore throat. I know I had an inner ear infection recently with pain in both ears but I was falling all over the place with dizziness,

23-04-08, 00:34
dont think so. inner ear infections are ok tho right? not serious?


23-04-08, 00:51
Yep, just got some antibiotics and it's gone now. I'm just waiting up to see what's happening in America with the democrats voting, but sleep is catching up with me now :). Hope you are feeling better and I know it can be very lonely at uni when your on your own. I wouldn't worry about the pain behind your ears, it's probably just muscle tension, that's all.

23-04-08, 01:07
thanks tom m, your one of the greats

enjoy whatever it is your waiting up for. and thankyou!!


23-04-08, 18:23
I had something similar a few months ago it started near my ears, i was told i could be grinding my teeth in my sleep so i tried to sleep with my mouth open and it seemed to start going you can get a mouth guard if you think it could be this.
My neck and shoulders hurt really bad too.

23-04-08, 20:41
I have spinal injuries to my neck and I can get awful aching behind and or under both ears plus sharp pains in my ears and its from the muscle spasm in my neck. I also get crawling sensations all over my scalp and face!!

Obviously I have serious problems with my neck but just plain anxiety can cause tension in the neck and shoulder muscles that give exactly same syptoms as mine.

If you get very dizzy or really bad earache then get ears checked out by Dr in case its infection in inner ears but it could all be muscle tension.

23-04-08, 23:14
thankyou guys thts so reassuring. everyones explanations have really helped calm me

<3 xxxxx