View Full Version : Blood on my pillow

23-04-08, 08:33
I'm really worried again today. I have been told that I may have Barrett's Syndrome and have looked it up on the internet only to find that it is a pre cancerous condition. I am worried sick and can find no releif from the anxiety it is causing me. To make matters worse I noticed a blood stain on my pillow this morning. I have been checking everywhere on my body to see where it has come from and can't find anything which means it probably came from my mouth. I'm realy worried I have throat cancer. I have made an appointment with the doctor to see if he can reassure me. Has anyone else woken up to find blood on their pillow?

23-04-08, 10:11
hi hun
ahh poor you, know it sounds daft, but you havnt eaten chocolate in bed have you? i went to doctors once with my pillow (thought was blood)it was choc! id been eating it in bed. also have you got a cough? my sister got bad one and she found a little blood on her pillow,, can just be a little burst blood vessle from coughing! try not to worry easier said than done i know xx

23-04-08, 10:34
Hi Vinny, my boyfriend woke up to find blood on his pillow yesterday - think he just had a little nose bleed in the night. My sister also used to get night time nose bleeds a lot. Hope this is helpful and you feel reassured when you have seen your GP. xx

23-04-08, 11:41
Thank you for your replies. I'm trying to stay calm, seeing the doc at 5pm. It's definately blood (not chocolate). I never get nose bleeds so don't think it's that. I know it sounds gross but I took my pillow over to the window and had a good look at it. Although I worry that it's come from my mouth it doesn't look as though there is saliva mixed with it so hopefully in hasn't come from my mouth at all. I really hate being this way and ALWAYS think the worst!!!

23-04-08, 14:10

have u got a spot or anything?? or a scratch u may have knocked?
just an idea, hope u r feeling a bit better


23-04-08, 14:51
My husband regularly leaves blood on the pillow case which comes from his gums. Finding blood anywhere you don't expect it can be traumatic I know.

23-04-08, 17:50
Hi Vinny, i like Grace sometimes have a little blood, but my gums sometimes bleed, so try not to worry.

Take care


23-04-08, 20:46
Don't worry too much about the barretts. My friend has it and has had it for past 10 years and she just has an endoscopy every 3 years to check its not changed. She was told that only 1% of people with barretts go on to develop oesaphagial cancer and even if you are the unlucky 1% it will be picked up in the very early stages becuase of the monitereing.

have you had the endoscopy and biopsy that will give the diagnosis of barretts???

16-05-13, 21:11
Did your doctor ever say where he thought the blood had come from