View Full Version : Really scared

23-04-08, 11:24
Hi all,

I haven't been on here for a while, but really worried. Hope someone can help, I am a really freckly, moley person, and yesterday, i was doing one of my obsessive body checks. A mole on my arm had a teeny tiny brown dot on it.

Well, I rubbed it for ages, and broke the skin, and the mole went (along with about 3 layers of skin) The mole has gone, but now there is a small hole where the mole was, about 2mm deep It didn't bleed, inside is just skin coloured flesh, just a straight hole.

I am worried in case it was something nasty, now I have picked it off, it might grow deeper and I won't be able to tell.

Please any advice or experience.

Thank you


23-04-08, 11:54
Maybe it was just a small scab? I think that since it didn't bleed you should be fine. If it was something nasty you wouldn't have been able to just pick it off. It's nothing, I'm sure.

23-04-08, 18:17
I have had mole cancer and i have many moles no matter how hard i have scratched them they have never come off are you sure it was a mole.

23-04-08, 18:52

I have never heard of a mole being picked off before. How is it looking now? If you are worried then do go to the docs


23-04-08, 19:20
Thank you for your replies. Yes it was a mole, quite a light tan one, I am shocked that just a bit of picking and rubbing has left a small hole in my arm.

I am really frightened that if there was something sinister going on, now the mole has gone, it will just spread into my body,as I know that is what melanomas can do, and i won't be able to tell as the bit on the outside has gone. Do you think that it would grow up back through the skin again if it was bad.

Thank you


23-04-08, 21:12
I'm sure it wasn't a mole since moles can't just come off like that, they are part of the skin after all. I think it was probably a scab or something equally harmless. And even IF it was a mole it won't grow anymore since you got everything out and left a clean hole behind.

24-04-08, 18:25
If you really think it was a mole you can ask your doc to let you see a mole specialist if he thinks it was anything to worry about the most he would to is cut a small area around the hole that is left and if this shows nothing then you won't have cancer that has spread from a mole.