View Full Version : help and advice with citalopram

milly jones
23-04-08, 11:25
I have been poorly for 3 years now but have got back to work. However 4 months ago symptoms returned and affected my staying asleep at night. I asked for help and was advised to change my medication fron lofepramine to citalopram. This has been done gradually. However I expected the sickness and visual disturbances but the anxiety has increased and I feel my depression which was under control is returning. I continued trying to work but eventually gave in and was signed off sick for agitation. I'm feeling paranoid about what other people are thinking and lacking energy to leave the house. Just vegetating thinking. Started hairpulling and skin picking again, and getting frightened. My gp is great and I see him weekly, but I don't want to spiral down again. I'm on 20mg daily. Need some support please x

23-04-08, 11:40
Hi Milly.. like you i have recently started Citalopram and i must admit my anxiety got much worse in the beguining... i posted on the site too cos i thought i was gonna have to stop them but i perservered and i am so glad i did cos this week i finally feel like they are doin some good :yahoo: ....... they take a bit of getting used to but usually they are worth it.... It is really hard when you are working and trying to manage anxiety,i have spent the last three years juggling the two and sometimes i have managed it and sometimes i haven't... don't feel bad about getting signed off... sometimes its the only thing you can do and in the long term it is the best thing to do, cos it gives you some breathing space and some time to regroup and then move forward....i also worried about what people would think, but everyone who i have told has been really supportive and i have been amazed by how many people have told me that they have had to take time off in the past for the same reasons.. we feel alone with this illness sometimes, but we really aren't.. we are normal people who are having a tough time but you will get thru this and you are taking really positive and proactive steps to make this happen.... you could have chosen to just languish on doing nothing to challenge your anxiety but you didn't, you sought help with the meds and joined the site... you are doing everything right.... be kind to yourself and just give yourself a bit more time and i know you will come thru the otherside....pm me anytime!
Take care

milly jones
23-04-08, 11:51
Thanks lovely, just frightened of going down into that deep dark hole again. Glad somebody cares enough to reply so soon. xx

23-04-08, 11:55
Hi Milly

How long have you been on the Citalopram? They do take some time to get into your system. And you have been ill for a long time so those 3yrs of pain won't disappear suddenly.... Be kinder to yourself but you are doing the best thing in keeping talking to your Dr.

Could you make a diary on how you feel each day and see if there is any improvement?

The side effects are grim. But they fade gradually ( not overnight like I thought they would!).

You may require a higher dose (but the effects are not so bad when you 'upgrade a level' so don't let that worry you). Or perhaps these tablets are not for you which is the worst scenario BUT there will be other options.

If you haven't been on them long keep going and speak to your Dr and to us. I found it very reassuring to know I wasn't alone.

Hugs and love Milly - take care xxxxxx

milly jones
23-04-08, 12:07
Was on prozac but couldnt cope, moved to lofepramine and these were great for 2 years or so, but appeared to wear off around xmas. Referred to hospital and psychiatrist suggested citalopram. Been swopping over for 3 weeks now. Just stopped loferpramine and solely on citralopram. Had lots cbt in past which controlled the depression, but since meds change everything has gone haywire. Frightened of ocd/self harm. Wish people understood that i cant control this, that its illness not choice.

23-04-08, 14:04
Hi Milly,
20mg is the therapeutic dose.I'm on 30mg and doing really well.Got my anxiety well under control.Some people are on 60mg. Might be a good idea to speak to your gp.Hope this helps.Keep us posted.:hugs:
julie x:hugs:

23-04-08, 15:03
Hi Milly

it's early days then on the Citalopram? Keep holding on cos' it is a bumpy ride at first. I hope it settles down for you.

Have you taken a peep in the OCD section for the forum... you'll not be alone in your thoughts and it may reassure you.

I agree - it is horrible knowing you'd do anything to change how you feel and that others don't get it. Take little steps Milly - I don't think trying to run works. xxxxx

milly jones
23-04-08, 15:32
cheers. spent afternoon in chat room so feeling better. met others on same meds. Will the bruising go away?

23-04-08, 15:46
Yes Milly - bruising will go. Is from your self- harming or the tablets making you bruise more easily?

Oh just want to give you a big hug.

Whilst the tablets are getting into your system make sure your daily life is kept to a minium of events and stress... xxxxx

milly jones
23-04-08, 19:16
not sure. but bruising on body too. Have had blood test for liver function today.
Thanks everyone for your help and hugs xxx