View Full Version : Just joined...

23-04-08, 13:34
My name is Heidi-Jo and im 28 years old. I was diagnosed with depression at aged 16 and have always had issues going to places unaccompanied my whole life but it progressed in my late teens to not being able to go out at all to the point that i have now been pretty much housebound for the last 7 years (all bar a few trips in the car to my moms house every now and then).
I live alone (with my managerie of pets) and spend almost every day on my own. Im in a relationship (3 years now) with a great girl who is fortunatley for me very understanding. We only see each other on weekends due to her living in a different town and my issues with anxiety affect our relationship alot. We tried to live together but i couldnt cope and in a way we have taken steps back because i cant even deal with her staying the night because i get so anxious with people (even my own close family) being here for long periods of time.
I am not on medication for the anxiety or depression as my drs surgery are not exactly sympathetic to mental health issues so i have only seen a Dr twice in the 7 years (and that was for physical health issues). My drs refuse to do house calls (unless you are elderly or disabled physically) and i am unable to get to them so im stuck in this situation. I have been referred to a CPN on a few occasions but they soon give up claiming a heavy case load when i dont make enough progress in the short time they want me to.
I do want to get better, i just dont know how. This problem is so ingrained now i dont know how i can beat it without help.
I didnt mean for this intro to go on for so long, my apologies. I guess i just needed to get it out.
I hope to chat with people who are in a similar situation as me and gain something from this experience.
Thank you for reading x

23-04-08, 13:52
Hi Heidi-Jo,

Welcome to NMP :)

No need for apologies - it gives us all an idea of who you are hun ;)

You have every right to help. You say you have been to your Drs twice in 7 years - do you think maybe the Dr has changed by now? Even if he/she hasn't, you could always to see another Dr?

Could a member of your family drive you to the Drs? Or could your partner?

You can beat this hun, and yes you may need a little help but there is certainly no shame in that :hugs:

Jo xxxxx

23-04-08, 14:27
Hi Jo,

Thank you for replying and the welcome.
Regarding my gp, the 2 times i saw them was when my mother had to call an emergency out because of chest problems...i didnt go to them. They were not happy with my mom calling them out but my mom didnt know what else to do, she was desperate.
At our surgery we dont have A particular gp, you get whoever you get when you visit or ring and over the years when mom has spoke with them on my behalf (using the phone with people other than close family is another issue for me) they most they have offered is a referral back to a CPN which the most recent one discharged me in January. We did look into changing surgery's but every one we rang were unwilling to take me on without an appointment and were not open to the idea of sending a gp out to someone who wasnt on their books yet.
I have also tried going to the surgery in the past but i always fail. The furthest i ever go out of my flat is to my mothers (5min drive away) and thats for a very short visit which i control (when i go, when i leave etc).
You are right i definately need help i just seem to have run out of places to find it.
Thanks again for replying x

23-04-08, 14:31
hiya heidi-jo :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :D . you will find lots of help and support and make some great friends along the way. dont forget to visit the chat room where you can talk to us all about things or just have a giggle. if you feel you aint ready yet for that just keep posting.
best wishes
take care:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


23-04-08, 14:33
Hi Kellie,
Thank you for the lovely welcome. I will work my way up to the chatroom i think. This really is a great place, its a shame it took me so long to discover it lol x

23-04-08, 14:52
Hi Heidi-Jo, wlecome to the site!
Im agoraphobic too and my G.P. was really unhelpfull last yr about it when i called him out, made me feel guilty for wasting his time as i wasnt "really ill". I know how you feel about being stuck as i too am desperate for help but dont really know any other avenues apart from the docs.
Theres a website calle livinglifetothefull.com and it offers online CBT, im doing the intro to it now so not sure how good it is yet, but ive heard it helps alot of people.
Anyway, feel free to pm me anytime.

23-04-08, 17:05
Hi Clair,

Thank you for replying. I will definately look into the site you mentioned. I have heard on many occasions that CBT is the ideal way to go but with the system being the way it is, it makes it impossible to get on the NHS.
It really saddens me (but in a way is a relief) to see that so many others are affected by agoraphobia x

23-04-08, 17:49
Hi Heidi-Jo,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

23-04-08, 18:45
Hi and welcome :)


23-04-08, 19:22
Hi Heidi Jo,
Welcome to this site i'm sure you will find it helpful


23-04-08, 21:50
Hi Heidi-Jo

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

You will get loads of support and advice and meet some fab people.

24-04-08, 01:10
I know what you mean, its an awful thing to be trapped in your mind and your home but it takes small steps and alot of support which you will deffinately get here.

24-04-08, 09:25
Hello and welcome to NMP.

I too am agrophobic and as you have seen by some of the replies to your posting there are an awful lot of us out here, but the good thing is that we can all relate to each other and also help each other.

You have done the right thing joining this forum, I have found it to be a godsend.


24-04-08, 13:11
Hello Heidi-jo And Welcome.....i Wish Ya Well..............linda

24-04-08, 20:27
Hi and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :smile:

26-04-08, 18:20
Hi there! :welcome: to the site! :yesyes:

26-04-08, 18:49
hello and welcome, you will find this site a great help and meet lots of new people and make friends xxx

27-04-08, 00:25
Thank you so much to everyone for your warm welcomes, i can tell already i am going to love it here :)

30-04-08, 11:09

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx