View Full Version : Indigestion

23-04-08, 21:21
Hi, i am new to all this i have suffered from Health Anxiety for a while. i tend to suffur in silence only my family really know. i am so glad i found this forum. i used to think i was a bit mad. Just wanted to ak if anyone gets indigestion in their back. i have had indigestion loads and GP thinks its stress that causes it however recently ive been getting pain inbetween my shoulder blades and i feel like i need to burp. I keep stressing thats its something more serious.

24-04-08, 09:48
Hi skutter, I have a pain around my shoulders that goes into my arms - I think it's tension related as I have had a real bout of HA lately. I continue to be surprised about the random (but very real) pains and sensations the mind can cause. Perhaps go to your GP to get your mind put at rest if you are worried.

I have found it helpful to tell with those people I come into contact with daily (one or two friends at work etc.) about my anxiety - just so that if I am having a bad time I can tell someone that knows and they can help distract me / offer some support. It's surprising when you tell people how many people will say my sister / friend / I have that!


24-04-08, 14:22
I suffer from heartburn and sometimes the pain is in my back between my shoulderblades so I know what you mean. My doctor said it is just a symptom of indigestion.

24-04-08, 22:37
i suffer from the very same pains you have all described and i never really know for sure if it is indegestion and wind moving its way around into my back or if it is posture problems. I get pain in my left shoulder every couple of days, it doesnt last long and its normally after i have eaten so i guess it is a digestion problem, however when i tense up i dont relax and i guess my shoulders take the brunt of it. My mum had her gall bladder removed 3 years ago after years of indegstion pains (she was even admitted to a&e one night with chest pains) and one of her symptons was severe shoulder pain.

I think its worth keeping an eye on and perhaps certain food aggravate it - if i eat bread or chocolate or pastry i know i am in for a bad bout of indegstion.