View Full Version : better but not better

23-04-08, 21:28
hey all.

well recently i have started to do more things and get out abit more, ppl say i am gettin a bit better, and are full of praise for me.

but i aint getting better i still feel as bad and mentally destroyed. its getting to a point where a feel like just retreating back to bed and giving up. all this extra effort and hard work and mentally ive got nowhere, or am i gettin better and i just dnt know it yet.

getting beta is worse than being ill. i know that is a pretty harsh statement but its how i feel. anyone else felt like this, or gone or going through it. how do u cope. any advice is welcome

thanx allxxx

24-04-08, 09:07
Hi Kris

I dont think getting better is worse than being ill - more that it takes more effort to recover than it does to sit back and let our anxiety take over.

Keep at it hun because you will see the benefits eventually, but they wont happen over night. The easy option would be to give up but if you keep working at it your inner strength will build up and you will become more resilient to coping with the anxiety.

I know how you feel though. I have had days where I just want to shut myself away and not face things anymore, but you can get through this period, dont give up :hugs:

Jo xxxxx