View Full Version : General Anxiety

24-04-08, 12:08
Hello I'm Fisherman20.

I have been feeling anxious /depressed since last summer. I have had these spells before but they normally last 3/4 months. The length of this spell maybe making me worry more.
Intitially I was prescribed beta blockers, since then I have been on 3 different types of anti depressants which didn't help and now back to beta blockers.

How I feel

I feel very down most mornings. This is coupled with an anxious feeling, this a nervous stomach, which last all day and every day. It's a similar feeling that you get before an interview. It's a really dreadful feeling and after 10 months I have had enough. What keeps me going is the fact that I have got better three times previously, but this time it is really getting me down.

How did it start this time?

I do not know really.
In November 2006 I packed up smoking and my father became very ill following an operation. In the spring of 2007 my line manager died and I was made surplus at work. My father recovered but things where bad at work. Each day I was finding it more difficult to concentrate and began to worry about finances should I lose my job.
In November I saw my GP who diagnosed work related stress and anxiety. I went on sick leave. Being away from work helped reduced the stress but not my 'nervous anxiety'.
Since then I have lost my job and I am on incapacity benefit but this doesn't pay the bills. I have started to look for work but I do not feel I can cope with work and feel that I am between a rock and a hard place. It's like I have to get better because the state doen't help enough.(I have worked for 33 years and never been unemployed before)

What have I done to get better?

As well as visiting my GP and taking the medication I have had 6 counselling sessions, kept an eye on my diet and cut alchohol intake.

I am looking for anything that can get my life back to normal, to stop this dreadful illness taking over and be able to re-focus on the important things in life like my wife and daughter. It is so difficult to explain how you feel to family members if they haven't experienced this.

Grateful for any help anyone can give.


24-04-08, 13:02
Hello Fisherman20 And Welcome .well It Sounds Like Your On The Right Track Counceling Diet Ect.......just Know These Feelings Wont Harm You And They Shall Pass Stay Positive And One Day You Will Get There,............i Wish Ya Well..........linda

24-04-08, 13:29
Hi Fisherman

Welcome to NMP :)

It certainly is difficult to speak to family or indeed anyone who hasnt experienced this because they cannot fully appreciate what its like.

But you have the support of people here so you can talk to us if you have things to get off your chest and you arent comfortable with talking to other people.

I am reading a CBT book at the moment which is helping me change my negative ways of thinking. I am also looking to do some meditation as I want a bit of calm in my life! I think its important to reassess where you are and see how you can go about looking after yourself better so you are doing well :)


24-04-08, 20:27
Hi and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :smile:

25-04-08, 12:23
hi and welcome to nmp youl get loads support on here and great info xx

29-04-08, 08:31
hiya Fisherman :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :biggrin: . you will get lots of support/advice and make some great friends along the way. dont forget to visit the chat room where you can talk to us all.
take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


29-04-08, 09:23
:welcome: to no more panic

jodie x

29-04-08, 19:41
Hi Fisherman20,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

30-04-08, 10:12

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

30-04-08, 22:51
:welcome: to the site! :D