View Full Version : Update and explanation

24-04-08, 12:57
Hi everyone, I have just had my "am I fit to work or not" medical. It was horrendous and I am too upset to talk about it right now. However, when I was googling incapacity medicals, I was horrified to see my last thread came up. I know this is a public site but it has just increased my anxiety, so I have deleted it. Hopefully no-one will google the title of this thread.

When I am able I will write about my experiences today as it may help those who are about to go down the same route. Thanks. Take Care

Hope 2
25-04-08, 11:52
Hi Jesse :D

Just seen yr post , I am really sorry that yesterday was so horrid . How are you today ? Try not to worry about the google result as no one can trace it to you personally if u see wot I mean .
Let us know how yr doing if u can
Take care
Hope xx

25-04-08, 19:29
Thanks Hope, I did start a thread on how I felt yesterday but got so upset when I re-read it that I deleted it. I also felt paranoid about being traced on google - probably because of the way I am feeling. Thanks for your reply. Still don't want to write about how I feel. Take care now.