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31-03-05, 11:57
hi jus looking for some advice on depersonalisation. ive been suffering fromit for a few weeks now and dont know what to do to get rid of it? it feels like im not really here and that i feel everything is light and feel jus not right. im scared to do anything incase i fall because i cant feel myself its so scary. need so advice desperatly. will it eventually go away?

31-03-05, 12:21
hello there,

I think we have all suffered from depersonalisation at some point. It will go eventually, at least mine did. It is very scary to do things when you feel that way, but if you try to feel more positive about doing things, it will go away..

Sarah :D

31-03-05, 12:52
Hi Caz,

Horrid and scary isnt it!

I get this feeling all the time. It terrifies me and I cant help panicking....even though I try my hardest not too!

I have posted loads on this subject. Check out my posts and feel free to contact me personally if you are struggling.

Take care and try not to worry, Its not just you!

Jude x

31-03-05, 14:04
Hi caz, Welcome to the site, hope u will find the answers u r looking for here as I am sure u will. I get the breathing issues bad also when that goes for a while I get the other heath issues. Feeling Ill, Looking for lumps and bums and all sorts, they are very distressing and really make u feel ill. I have suffered for many years on and off and they do seem to come and go then get replaced by new symptoms. It’s very good to get to know what is happening in your body I find this helps lots. There is lots of help on the main pages of this site. There are also lots of good books on Anxiety that I found helps lots too. A very good book that I found helped me is Essential Help For Your Nerves by Claire Weeks, I read a little form the start each night before going to sleep and found this very helpful. In the past I haven’t real stuck to relaxation and breathing exercises, but last couple of months I have tried hard to do relaxation and breathing exercises morning and night, I also use positive affirmations whenever I remember this has helped to, but must be kept at regularly. I found some affirmations then printed them to cards and left them around different places so I would remember them. Like (I AM HEALTHY WELL AND HAPPY, I ACCEPT ALL MY FEELINGS AS PART OF MYSELF. I AM STRONG HEALTHY AND HAVE NO FEARS, EVERY DAY I AM GETTING BETTER BETTER BETTER,) and AN IMPORTANT ONE IS I love and appreciate myself. But the list goes on and on. Anyway hope this is of some help to you. Hope you feel better soon. Vernon.

31-03-05, 16:25
hi caz

welcome to the site...depersonalization is a safety mechanism and is in NO way harmful. I t is your body,s way of slowly reliasing what has built up...I also did have depersonalization when i was suffering from panic/agoraphobia...please do not stop yourself from doing things...INFACT if you tried a little physical exercise or something that requires you to work at it you would probably find that this will help you...even if it is just running up the stairs or skipping in your living room the release of tension will reduce your depersonalization feelings ...however you will need to do this regulary....

take care


31-03-05, 17:43
Hi Caz

Welcome aboard the forum.

Some of these previous posts may help

derealisation/depersonlisation (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2512)

D/Personalisation (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2304)

Hi new member mom w/ panic and dp/dr (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1239)

Disassociation (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2732)


Happy reading!


31-03-05, 23:50

Think Nic has shown you all the posts that will help you.

It will go with hard work and a lot of support, it wont always feel like this trust me.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

01-04-05, 11:22
wow i did not realise it had a name or that any one else did that i thought it was just me, it is such a weird feeling, luckily i havent had it for a while but i know where u are coming from on that, well its stopped on me so u never know
hope u feel better soon take care and try not to wory about them to much lol if u can xx

kairen x

01-04-05, 11:49
I also never realised it had a name when I first started suffering some 20 plus years ago.

I always described it as feeling like the world was going on around me but that I wasn't part of it.

Mine has got better but I still feel it when I'm having a bad day [:I]

Kate x

01-04-05, 17:31
Hi Caz,
Welcome to the site.

I haven't really got much more to offer than what everyone else has said, it is horrible and scary but does eventually pass. I used to get it really bad before my period, now I just have it on odd days, when I thought I was fine! It made me feel like I was watching everything like it was on the telly and not really real.

Take care,
Love, Linda.x

28-06-05, 12:59

what is wrong with me? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4054)
ok get this (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4055)

People have taken the trouble to answer your previous similar two posts . Please check those before posting again the same thing


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

24-02-10, 23:16
Hiya- i am new to the site and posted a message the other day in Symptoms asking if i was suffering from depersonalisation or derealisation or both because although i have had this feeling on and off for 40 years now no one i spoke to really understood whati was talking about and that was worse, if i described it as being inside myself that didnt seem right but it is like that i am suddenly aware of myself and what i am doing, at work, making a cup of tea,driving along anything suddenly i seem to go right back into myself, well i had two replies on my post which have really helped me, i needed to have a name for this "thing" and although i realise it wont take it away it has helped just knowing that someone understands what i am talking about. What i would say is what i have replied on my post is that I have been like this on and off for 40 years and even so have led full and happy life, so even though it seems bad at this time it always goes away, it seems without you even realising its gone - so dont be frightened it will go - it will go and each time it comes back and it probably will you will get more used to it, wont stop it being frightening but you will see that it does go - its horrible and one of the most awful feelings relating to anxiety but it goes and you forget it!! take it from someone who knows it wont stop you living normally just go with it untill "it" goes away which i promise it will.

Take care - hope you feel better soon and thank you to everyone on here its so good to find somewhere where people know how you feel.

Kathy x