View Full Version : is this symptom normal?

24-04-08, 19:14
hello, so i suffer from quite a bit of symptoms of anxiety attacks and although sometimes i forget that they are just symptoms and i feel like something is wrong with me there is one symptom that i didnt read about and i wonder if it is normal. i'm sure it is but to help ease myself during an attack i have to actually hear that it is normal and that i am not the only one feeling it. i do get lightheaded sometimes and feel like there is nothing in my head because it feels so light sometimes, i get buzzing in my head but one thing i am unsure if it is normal is head twitches and feel like my head is shaking. i don't think it is obvious or anything but occasionally i feel like my head kinda twitches to the side, not a lot but i feel like i cant control it.. i also feel like my head is shaking really fast or wants to shake really fast cause my heart is racing. i dont think my head actually shakes but i feel like it should be. does anyone else feel these things and is this normal symptoms during an anxiety attack? please let me know thank you

24-04-08, 19:55

Thank you by the way for the reply to my post about being Embarrassed about writing a goodbye note. It made me feel better.

I wanted to share with you that " YES " I also have experienced the buzzing and twitching feeling that you described in your head.

As a matter of fact I get a lot of symptoms related with my head, such as an unbearable pressure at times as if my head would explode.
Sometimes it actually feels like there is a bulge forming out of my forehead ( weird I know ).
That is followed by the buzzing or shaky feeling as you described.
I also have a lot of pressure in my ears and then they will ring.

So, yes...you are not alone with this odd feeling...isn't that great to know, LOL ? !!

26-04-08, 12:49
i feel pressure changes in my ears at times, not just during an attack but also just with the general level of anxiety i feel through the day, im sure all these symtoms are just a result of the anxiety and severe tension in the muscles around the neck, back and shoulder areas.
C xxxx

26-04-08, 13:42
Count me in as well. At times, the anxiety manifests itself as if my insides in both my torso and my head are jiggling around, and the pressure in my head is sometimes as if I have a really bad cold or someone has filled by head with cotton.

Leah, what you are feeling is very common among persons with various types of anxiety and panic disorders. And I also usually get a measure of relief if I can verbally remind myself that a given ache or feeling in my body is a symptom of the anxiety.

26-04-08, 16:12
Hi there, yes my head definately shakes and twitches particularly when i am sitting watching t.v. and the more i try to stop it the worse it gets. I just put it down to all the constant anxiety and pressure we put ourselves through. Take care.

26-04-08, 20:39
Yep, not only is it normal but it is common. The number of symptoms you can get with anxiety are endless, some are more common. Head related symptoms I have experienced in the past tha I now Know are anxiety related because I can reproduce them at will, are...

Throbbing (what I used to call brain throb)
Blurred vision
Flickering vision

I believe a alot of these are due to increased blood flow during times of rapid heart rate caused by anxiety, though I may be wrong about that.

Your mind is a powerful thing. Did you know that almost every symptom you ever have even if you are really Ill, is caused by your brain or your immune system, not the actual desease. Every time you feel pain, it is your brain that allows you to feel it, every time you feel sick, it is your brain that makes you feel it. So its little wonder our brains are able to produce what seem like real symptoms, even when we are not sick at all. Anxiety causes real symptoms, and a wide spectrum of them at that, even visible symptoms such as rashes can be produced by anxiety.

What menomum says above preety much sums it up, the more you think about it, the worse it gets.

Although anxiety can sap our energy and enthusiasm, of you are able to get out of the house and go for a walk, do so, because I used to find that a brisk walk not only made me feel better, but it took my mind off things.

Also, and as a bloke I hate to admit it, if you fell like crying because you feel so trapped by your anxiety, do it. Go somewhere quiet and let it out as hard as you can. I find this enormously hard to do myself but bloody hell des it make you feel better.

27-04-08, 00:22
i also experience these feelings whitch to me feel as though my whole body is vibrating it dont seem to last long but its just down to anxiety.i dont no about you but i seem to get it if i fall asleep for afew minutes and wake up with it so your not alone take care lin :D