View Full Version : feeling weird/dizzy

24-04-08, 21:51
I felt fine most the day, but then i started to get this pain in the front of my head towards the left side and from that i started to have moments where i got dizzy and spaced and feeling like i was just going to faint.

Im scared now iv got a brain tumor again, or something else horrible wrong, iv been for ages without any nasty symptoms but now the head pressure and panick attacks are back too, trying to fight them off/well ignore them, but im scared they are going to come back and im going to feel as bad as i did before.

Does this sound like the return of anxiety or do you think i should see the doctor???


24-04-08, 22:11
:hugs: hiya it is very easy to think the worst when suffering health anxiety as i know well, but please try to think to yourself that you are ok and its down to the way i thinking, please dont google stuff because i have and it makes things a hundred times worse, just stay busy and mayb like i do do some walking, exercise, i walk miles every day and when its bed time and my mind starts to wonder i am so tired i go off to sleep straight away, also this has halfed my anxiety problems xx

24-04-08, 22:55
heya i get dizzy all the time and the doctors told me to wait a week that it would subside a bit because i had an inner ear disorder - labrynthis - and it did, except they kind of were just pulling at straws so i feel it was anxiety coupled with poor diet. i think maybe you should see an ears, nose throat doctor or get tested for anemia perhaps - highly doubt you have a brain tumor or else it wouldn't come and go like that! I've head pressure as well but I figure it's just the ears or sinuses or something.

24-04-08, 23:33
Hi Char

It does sound like the anxiety to me. Thats how my anxiety started up again

Like Donna said, i try and keep busy as it distracts me from my symptoms a bit

take care

mandie x