View Full Version : Terrified my mum might have Cancer

24-04-08, 22:02
Hi guys.

I had a bit of a shocking phone call today. Since I'm a bit sworn to secrecy, I just need to get it out.

My mum has had 4 episodes of facial flushing recently. All of them at about 10.30 in the morning. Her face was burning, red, and she was white around the eyes and mouth.

Thinking it was an allergy, she has avoided things she thought might be causing it, and hasn't had one for about a month now.

She had allergy testing which was more or less negative. I don't think the results are complete yet but an allergy is looking unlikely.

So they have done a full blood spectrum and also want a 24 hour urine sample. Written on it is 5-HIAA.

She asked the Doctor what he thought was wrong with her, and apparently he just said 'I'm not telling you'. He wants to see her in 6 weeks.

So she Googled 5-HIAA. It is a test for carcinoid syndrome - a rare type of tumour which causes facial flushing as one of the major symptoms. By the time it starts to cause this, it has spread to the liver.

I lost my dad 5 years ago to bowel cancer which had spread to his liver. I was 19. I'm now 25 but don't feel ready to lose my mum too :weep:

What I can't understand is that 3 weeks ago we were galavanting around Rome. I can't see how someone with liver tumours would be up to that, having seen my dad in that state. Also, how would a tumour know to cause flushing at 10.30 in the morning every time? And she hasn't had another episode for 4 weeks.

I'm just so frightened. Of course, there are lots of causes of facial flushing, but carcinoid syndrome does come up every time you put it into google. Having told my mum not to google, I'm doing it myself.

She is 61 and generally pretty healthy. She has IBS and sleep problems, but otherwise eats healthily and takes plenty of exercise etc. One of the other symptoms of carcinoid syndrome is abdominal pain and diarrhoea, which she does have with the IBS. She has had all sorts of barium enemas, colonoscopies etc in the past which have all been clear.

I'm not sure that I can bear all this waiting. Does anyone know anything about all of this?


xxx :flowers:

24-04-08, 22:06
hiya i know its really hard but try not to worry until results come back and i bet it probably isnt but doctors have to test for everything to cover there own backsides.

please keep us posted on how she does but im sure she will be ok and you will awlays have loads support on here:hugs:

24-04-08, 22:06
Hi Swan,

:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

I hope you get the right answers soon.
Best wishes,

24-04-08, 22:09
Sorry hun I dont know anything about it just wanted to :hugs:

Thinking of u

C xxxxxx

24-04-08, 22:37
Thank you guys :hugs:

I know it's a long shot that anyone will know as I think it's quite rare, but it just helps to be able to get it out somewhere, so thank you.

24-04-08, 22:44
Oh Swanny:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

I so wish I could help but I cant:wacko:

Dont suppose its the change of life????:shrug:

Im sure she will be fine but try not to guess the results......my Gp is a nightmare.....he will phone with results of whatever test and make me panic and it will turn out to be nothing:lac:

Take care and feel free to PM me

Kaz x x x:hugs:

24-04-08, 23:04
Hi Swan
Try not to worry, I know its hard but doctors always eliminate serious thing s first so its probably just procedure. I really hope it all works out for your mum.
love Mags xxxxx

24-04-08, 23:24
Hi Swan

So sorry you have this worry. I can't be of much help but it does seem unlikely to be something so serious if it comes at the same time each day and as you say she hasn't had one for a month then surely if it was caused by cancer it wouldn't just stop. It could still be a hormonal thing as many women still get hot flushes years after the menopause. My mum had to pause during our phone call the other night because she was having one and she is 89!!! Hormonal flushes are often triggered by something we eat or drink so they can follow a strict pattern or timing.

Hope she gets the all clear very soon. 6 weeks is a hell of a long time to wait which also points to it not being something serious.

Take care

25-04-08, 02:22
Thank you Mags :hugs:

Cheers Kazzie :hugs: I wouldn't have thought it was the change because she went through that about 10 years ago, but having read what sheba said, I guess it is possible.

Sheba - thank you so much for your reply :hugs: I do agree that 6 weeks is a long time if they were worried, and also that it's odd it's coming on at the same time when she gets it. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed really.

She is seeing her GP in the morning to see if she can get things moved forward a bit. I'm hoping to get more information then.

I have no idea how I'm going to cope at work this weekend, but maybe it will be good to take my mind off it.

Thank you folks for being so supportive

25-04-08, 03:10
Sorry to hear your mum isn't very well Dying Swan :hugs:

I hope you hear some news tomorrow. If they were concerned I'm sure they would be seeing her earlier than 6 weeks.

Karen xx

25-04-08, 08:06
Hey Swan

I really hope you hear some news tomorrow. 6 weeks is a long time for you and your mum to wait for results I agree.

Let us know how you get on


25-04-08, 08:40
Mary Doll :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: I'm so sorry hun your mum isnt well :flowers: But please dont be doing a Mandy on us now and having the poor woman diagnosed before you get the results :hugs: Please let us know how she gets on and we'll all be thinking of you and your mum and keep yer chin up ok :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: xxxx

25-04-08, 08:46
Swan sweetheat, I am pretty sure that they would not wait 6 weeks if the Doc was in doubt.

You know what symptoms are like, we read about a symptom that covers many conditions but our anxiety leads us straight to the top of the list.

Fingers crossed Mary Doll it's something trival.

Jaco xxx

25-04-08, 08:57
I hope your mom gets some news sooner rather than later it has to be annoying waiting so long!!

I know it's not the exact same but my mom gets flushes but it seems wierd that it is exact time every morning. Keep thinking positive maybe the doctor is just ruling it out.


Your trip sounds great hopefully it will take your mind off things

25-04-08, 09:04
Pea :ohmy: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Aww hun, hope all turns out ok, I got everything crossed for you and your mum that it's good news and nothing to worry about.

I haven't got any definate answers as to why the flushes are happening at the same time, I would have said menopause too but its just a guess. I can go months without a hot flush then get them every day for a week or so.

I agree if the doc thought was urgent wouldn't he be rushing things along? So take the fact that he isn't as a positive sign.

I know there's really nothing I can say that's gonna stop you worrying, I would be exactly the same, wait for the answers tho hun and stop googling!

Think all I can do right now is give you a great big hug and tell you I'm thinking of you loads and here if you need anything :hugs:


25-04-08, 13:44
Hey Sparky (((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))) Im Sorry To Hear Ya Mom Is Not Well At This Moment Hun.....i Know Its Hard To Stay Positive As We Are Humans And Do Worry But As Alot Said Already........dont Jump To Conclusions And I Really Dont Believe They Would Make Her Wait 6 Weeks..........but I Tell You This Im Here For You And My Thots Are With You Hun And Ya Mom.......sending You Many Hugs And Positive Vibes.............love Ya.......linda Xxxxx

Hope 2
25-04-08, 14:26
Hi Swan :hugs:

No advice to offer but I wanted to say I know how hard it is ........ the waiting........ and the worrying that goes with it . Earlier this year my mum had a breast cancer screen that showed dubious areas which required her to have biopsies taken . The results proved negative and that the 'spots' were in fact chalky deposits . Her mother had a mastectomy due to cancer so it was especially scary . The not knowing is the pits innit . I hope you and your mum have got some info that gives you both some reassurance and clarity from the doc's .

Take care
Hope xx

25-04-08, 15:51
Thank you so much everyone for your answers and support :hugs:

She saw the GP today who basically doesn't really know anything about it. She agreed that it would be good if things could be sped up a bit, and she also agrees it is weird that it's happening at exactly the same time of day.

My mum doesn't feel ill - that's the weird thing. I mean she's still working full time, going belly dancing, singing in concerts and having a big loft conversion done.

I'm just trying not to think of it too much until we get more news. I'm just too scared to think what is going to happen, and praying like mad it will be good news.

Thanks again

25-04-08, 15:55
Swan Im so sorry to hear you and your mum are going through this....I think the GP is being careful and thorough trying to eliminate different conditions but that doesnt help when all you want is definite answers. Waiting is really awful... but I do think that if he thought it was really urgent he would push the test through quicker of at least refer on to a specialist

Just wanted to say Im thinking of you and hope you get some news soon.

luv Coni XX

25-04-08, 18:42
Thanks Coni :hugs:

The GP didn't know anything about it - it's the immunologist allergy guy who's doing this testing. He doesn't sound as though he has the best way with words to be honest.

Anyway - my mum called this afternoon and she has been on the phone to him and his secretary. She told them how worried she was and how she'd found out what they are testing for. He said he would be very surprised if it is this tumour, but he just has to rule it out.

She is going to make an appointment to see a gastroenterologist privately to try to see if there is anything going on inside, and hopefully find out sooner.

I'm still freaked but trying to keep my mind busy and feeling a bit more positive this evening.

I appreciate your replies so much :hugs:

10-10-14, 00:32
HI there - this thread is very old, is your mum OK? I have health anxiety and have been having strange flushing episodes with skin redness afterwards - the doctors say it is stress hives, I have googled Carcinoid :(

I am pretty sure my anxiety is getting the better of me. I sincerely hope your mum is OK and it turned out to be hormonal or something equally less worrying.