View Full Version : Slow Pulse

25-04-08, 00:12
I recently bought a heart monitor, and found to my surprise when I'm relaxed, sitting sometimes my heart rate will be in the 40s!

I jog for 30 minutes a day and walk for 40 5-6 times a week, but I'm certainly not an olympian.

Has anybody else had a low pulse rate? I'm a 23 year old male.

When I have a low pulse like this and I'm sitting down if I suddenly stand up I do not get dizzy or lightheaded...

25-04-08, 00:44
I found this on an internet site that might put your mind at rest abit:

"The average resting heart rate for an adult is between 60 and 100 beats per minute, while well-conditioned athletes can achieve between 40 and 60 beats per minute"

25-04-08, 00:46
Hello :)

I have this too. I noticed it when I was working a night shift one night and went for a break - my pulse was much slower than the second hand on the clock!

I thought nothing of it until I spent 3 days in hospital (for something different). The nurses were becoming quite concerned because my resting pulse was usually about 40. I am certainly NOT an athlete!! My BP was also low.

I was doing a CPR training session and mentioned it to the trainer. She started saying I might have 'first degree heart block' and that I should get it checked. I asked a doctor, who said that as long as it comes up when you move about, it should be fine. She recommended I had a thyroid function test. Naturally I started freaking out there was something wrong with my heart or my thyroid etc etc.

I saw the GP who took my pulse and it was 60. He wasn't in the least concerned and said it didn't matter because it went up to normal with any activity and I wasn't getting any symptoms.

I personally have no idea why I have a slow pulse, but if you run that much, I would think that is why. If you are very fit then you will be naturally bradycardic (slow heart rate) and I very much doubt there is a problem.

If you are worried, do get it checked out by your doctor, but I'm betting it's a healthy thing in your case rather than anything wrong

25-04-08, 03:49
Normally mine is about 50 unless I am in a panic, then it runs about 90