View Full Version : Almost had a real bad panic attack...

25-04-08, 06:49
My mother and I were arguing, almost went back to drinking as well from hearing I have to make a phone call to a new doctor's office by myself... then I got the urge to drink, then my mother and I begun arguing after she used a technique that she knew I would not drink because of it, but I felt offended and angry then we argued, then I felt bad and she wouldn't even talk to me, my former stepfather told me it'll be okay and all but jeez there's always alcohol in this house around to influence something... and I feel so retarded... like not smart at all... that's my self esteem, isn't it horrible?

25-04-08, 17:48
hi paulos... you are not at all retarded! ...... don't be too hard on yourself....you are a genuine person who is having a tough time at the moment.... getting better is a marathon , not a sprint... you will get there, just give yourself some more time and it will happen
Hang in there

25-04-08, 19:29
Thank you Rach, yes I do need more time for sure.

25-04-08, 19:43
The very fact you resisted the alcohol is a sign of your strength of spirit. I think you are doing great. Just give things a bit of time to calm down, xx