View Full Version : Very scared about my heart

25-04-08, 08:02
Hey All

I am petrified. I was OK last night, had been in the chat room having a laugh, everything was good.

I went to bed, fell asleep, but I woke up, my heart was beating so so fast, I was dizzy, had the shakes, it subsided after about a minute, and then I fell back to sleep. Where I was woken again by the same thing.

Now i have never had it like that, and my heart was going that fast. I am really scared now, its the weekend which means I will probably be a total bloody mess now.

I want to call my doctor. I am really really worried. Its totally shaken me up.

Anyone else had anything like this


25-04-08, 09:13
Hiya Emira

I get it alot. It's usually down to a small surge in adrenaline through the body, fight or flight, so all systems are go, you become totally alert and this manifests itself into a thumping heart beat, dizzy, light headed, possiblly the shakes, sweating and nausea.

A lot of people, including me, get it more when at rest. Sometimes, if I am having an anxious time, I can even feel and see my stomach jump with every beat.

Of course under certain circumstances, like standing in front of a runaway train, this is handy, but with us anxiety sufferers, this mechanism seems to kick in and out with no apparant reason.

If you really are worried, pop to the docs for reassurance it's just plain ole anxiety.

Best wishes


25-04-08, 09:57
I've had this too over the last couple of weeks due to mega stress.

I haven't liked it because while I get these symptoms by day regularly with anxiety I don't often get them by night, or that wake me up but I certainly have had a few disturbed nights recently.

Love Piglet :flowers:

25-04-08, 14:46
hi emira ,
i have this most nights its awful and scary ,infact as im typing this my heart going mental it happens day and night to me , if you need reassurance gp always helpful even if a phone call,if you ever want to chat im always about , by the way i been getting the same for about 8 months now and im still here typing

25-04-08, 14:54
Hey Guys

Thanks for all your replies.

Well I called my doctor and he said as you have all said that its part of the anxiety :-( I have had a few palps lately, but this was the worse, and really has frightened the life out of me....that whole shaky, heart beat going mental, dizzy.

Such an unpleasant thing, he said my heart is fine, and that this is another string to the bow of anxiety.

Thanks guys for all your support - means so much


Rachey poos
27-04-08, 10:44
when you say shakey,dizzy do u mean like out of sync /irregular...this is what i get as the fast is calming down ....hate it ...so scarey

27-04-08, 20:28
Yuck I had this Friday night I'd been out with some friends I drove so haden't been drinking. Dossed off only to be woken by this fast heart beat sweating and head rushy kinda feeling sweating each time I dossed of it happend again each time got shorter and shorter. I was convinced someone had spiked my diet coke with some sort of recreational drug I was really brave and sat it out with my hubby snoring next to me. Last night I was real scared to go to bed incase it happend again bvut so far so good.

Good luck hope you get some undisterbed sleep

28-04-08, 02:38
Sounds like anxiety/panic to me. I sometimes wake up like this as well. :weep:

Next time you wake up like this try to do some deep breathing and do your best not to panic... Just calm yourself back down, so don't read into it that much at this point in time. If it keeps up then give your doctor a call but for now dont worry :yesyes: