View Full Version : Cant believe the hospial

25-04-08, 09:31
I went 2 weeks ago and the specialist wants to give me another test ,
he told me to go to the desk with my notes to book the appointment,
so off i go to the desk and the lady tells me the person who books it is out of the office and for me to leave my notes there and they will pop the appointment time in the post.
So today I chase it up cos ive heard nothing , and get told they have no record of me being booked up for this test , so now they are going to put my notes forward to my consultant for him to refer me for it .

And all the while my anxiety is through the roof and Im suffering with symptoms ( for the past 6 years) . Omg my patience is running thin.

sorry for the moan :weep:

25-04-08, 09:40
Admin ineptitude hun is always very irritating isn't it.:mad: :lac:

Love Piglet:flowers:

25-04-08, 09:42
That is so frustrating,total lack of communication.

I think what frustrates me is that you are just a hospital number to them, and there is no thought to the anxiety/stress that you can be under.

Hope you get something through soon!


25-04-08, 10:59
yeah the girl on the phone clearly couldnt give a .... :ohmy: .

just started comfort eating :blush:

25-04-08, 11:14
Oh hugs Mirry - administration is soooo ridiculous at hospitals

On Sat I was admitted to hospital. I went in the Emergency Admissions unit first. Then 4 hours later they moved me 6 floors up to the ward I needed to be on. And they lost my notes in the lift journey to the ward. Took them 10hrs to find them ????

I hope they resolve this soon. Could you contact the consultant to say how worried you are so they can move things on?

25-04-08, 11:23
I don't know what the situation is in the UK, but in my neck of the woods, the hospital staff is woefully inadequate in terms of numbers. My best friend is a registered nurse and works at one of the three hospitals in the area, on the night shift. They often have his floor full of patients, and no more than three nurses on duty. If they are lucky, they have a nurse's assistant to help out, but that is not always the case.

To top if off, new nurses fresh from nursing school come in and don't seem to know the basics of healthcare - but they do know how to put the notes into the computer database!

The administration is no help - all they care about is the money part of the equation and could care less that the older nurses with the know how are burned out and the younger ones think they are too good to do anything but take blood pressure and type notes into a computer.