View Full Version : Today I have.........Friday

25-04-08, 10:00
This is the place to put your achievement/s for today no matter how tiny they were to you they were a triumph xxhugxx:yesyes:

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that
take our breath away"

25-04-08, 10:00
Living the past is a dull and lonely business; looking back strains the neck muscles, causing you to bump into people not going your way

25-04-08, 10:21
Today I have....... just come home from work where, I stayed on ON MY OWN no safety net (ie B/f was at work, parents in spain etc). I didnt panic, didn't feel anxious and got a big cuddle off of my client and a great wee laugh.

Lynne x

25-04-08, 10:56
Well done Pooh that is a triumph. xxhugxx:whistles:

25-04-08, 11:06
Well done Pooh!:yesyes: i did something yesterday but have only seen post today lol!
Im really chuffed coz i managed i go to my aunties funeral which ive been really anx about all week. I was really worried about goung in the car as it was about a 20 min drive then a really slow 30 min drive to the crematorium behind the cortage thingy and i was worried that id panic about being in the car ands being away from home etc but i was ok.
Was also worried about being in the service with people i didnt really know. I was convinced i would panic but somehow managed to keep calm (ish!) and didnt run out from anx like i was sure i would. Yay!!!
Im really glad i didnt chicken out as she was an ace person and im glad i didnt let her down.
Great thread Lindy, v positive!

25-04-08, 11:21
Oh well done Clair I was thinking about you yesterday and how you got on, what a triumph for you I am so thrilled:whistles: bells and whistles for you today xxhugxx

25-04-08, 11:25
thanks lindy, and thanks for your reply to my post during the week it was a big encouragement. Am shattered now tho from all the thinking yesterday lol!! :hugs:

25-04-08, 11:29
It is early morning for me here in the US. For the third straight day, I awoke not feeling exhausted - still not fully refreshed, but closer to it. I have gotten that bone deep fatigue later in the day the last two days, which has really lifted my spirits.

This is giving me hope that my Epstein-Barr symptoms may be petering out at last and that I may soon have more energy reserves to focus on dealing with my GAD and panic disorder, which is still present and still constant.

25-04-08, 11:41
Mtatum, Even the tinyest improvement in anything is such a thrill I hope your symptoms fade into the distance very soon. :yesyes: xxhugxx

25-04-08, 12:24
Hi everyone
Well this morning I travelled 10 miles and to the bank and hairdressers and back again on public transport. I nearly hyperventilated and went into panic mode a few times but talked myself out of it by the counting thing that I do and focusing on something specific and by replacing every bad negative thought with a good positive one and by doing deep breathing ~ some of the tips I read about on this site in past couple of days. I have been doing this for a couple of days and I am amazed at how many negative thoughts I actually have! Every time I get one I replace it with a positive thought. Ok it was only into town and back that I travelled and I am now shattered by the emotional drain of it all but I feel a little bit proud of myself today for having done it as up until very recently I couldnt even walk down the road almost without feeling like I was going to die of panic. Hope everyone is having a better day today.

25-04-08, 12:53
Carly ohh you should be so thrilled with yourself well done!!! what a triumph :whistles: xxhugxx

25-04-08, 13:34
Today I have gone and finalised the details of my new job and I start next Thursday!! :D

I just have to tell my Manager now and he wont be too pleased so a bit apprehensive *eek*

Jo xxxxx

25-04-08, 13:43
That is great well done Lilith hope all goes well for you. :yesyes: xxhugxx

25-04-08, 13:59
Carly ohh you should be so thrilled with yourself well done!!! what a triumph :whistles: xxhugxx
Thanks Lindy for your nice message :)

Little Soooz
25-04-08, 14:14
Clair, i was readin ur posts the other day saying you were worried about going, im so glad you did, i bet you feel so much better that you managed to say good bye the way you wanted to, well done :D

25-04-08, 16:30
My triumph for the day is that someone on here sent me a pm and made me smile which was just wonderful xxhugxx

25-04-08, 17:40
Hi everyone and :hugs: for all your success today. It's great to read such positive posts when I get in from work :D

My success is now lol. Im monophobic but came home from work, after staying on for 90 mins to cover sickness, and there isnt anyone here :) . I'm calm and chilled and not even worrying about being on my own. I dont know why I feel so good or why today is so different but I feel great.

Good luck with the job Lilith and well done everyone else


25-04-08, 18:31
today i

got up early and after putting my fully charged battery in a van that finds it harder to start the day than me, went for a walk the first one in a long time.

I then went to work not wanting to be there but having to be.

Went to the Doctor's to find a reason why my head is so battered coming down of my meds. It was through reading the very helpful advice on these great forums that i realised it was anxiety that i was going through.

Managed to stay a full day at work, partly due to the fact that i had put the van in the garage this morning to get fixed.

Came home, still feelling as bad as i left but knowing that at the least i managed to get through it.

We all i think suffer in different ways, i realise that my problems are small compared to so many others, but together by being there for each other and by sharing our thoughts, anguishes and experiences we will make it through the toughest of days.

25-04-08, 18:38
Oh Pickle and Pompey what a successful day you have both had well done to you both for your triumphs :whistles: xxhugxx

25-04-08, 19:35
Today I haven't abused my body in a misguided attempt to "control" the emotional pain, distress and confusion I am feeling.

Today I have read other people's posts on here to take me outside of my current self absorption.

Today I have accepted that how I am feeling seems overwhelming, but "this too shall pass".

25-04-08, 19:53
Jesse what a wonderful posting, you sound so positive today what a triumph :yesyes: xxhugxx

25-04-08, 19:55
Hi Jesse just wanted to give you a :hugs: and say well done for having such a positive day.

This post makes me more determined to do something each day, great idea Lindy :)

25-04-08, 20:04
Today i have managed to leave the house and go see my 18 month old nephew 20 miles away haven't seen him in 8 months.. Drove there didn't feel up to using public transport just yey but soon..

I also managed to go in to a shop and wait in a que for 10 minutes alone without fainting like normally do.

Well done to all the above

Beth xx :yahoo:

25-04-08, 20:04
Thank you Pickle:hugs: xxhugxx

25-04-08, 20:08
I have had friends round for a girly chat today and managed to cope with them being at the house for a couple of hours. It was great fun too. Lots of giggles and positive vibes.
This is a great thread. Well done LindyF for keeping it going.
Love Hazel xoxo:hugs:

25-04-08, 20:30
Beth and Hazey Babe sounds like you have both had superb days well done both of you in your triumphs :whistles: xxhugxx

25-04-08, 21:01
I am going off for tonight now very tired. Three cheers to all who post later and tell of their wonderful triumphs today. Well done :whistles: xxhugxx

25-04-08, 21:22
Carly, I can understand how draining this sort of thing can be. But as you recuperate from the drain on your body and mind's resources, don't stop patting yourself on the back. These types of victories over the panic and the anxiety are very significant and can make all the difference in the world to not losing hope of recovery. So you celebrate to your heart's content about what you have accomplished and don't consider today's outing to be an "only"!

I started some time back keeping a tally of the times I am able to go out and be out of the house for at least thirty minutes, with or without having to employ medication during my outing. At the end of the week, I look at my list and go back over where I was able to go and take comfort in each and every incident. This helps me to not get discouraged, which is so easy to do.

25-04-08, 21:25
I need to get back to my work and finish an assignment, but I just wanted to take a moment and send smiles to every person who has posted in this thread today. Lindy, thank you for your kind words. And all of you, thank you for sharing your journey here. It is helping me more than words can express.

Take care.

26-04-08, 02:36
well done everyone for all of your successes! it just shows that we can all get through things despite this horrible anxiety and we keep battling on, for thar we should all be really proid of our acheivements.
Again, great thread Lindy tis a lovely way to celebrate even the smallest things we manage to overcome. :bighug1: for everyone!!