View Full Version : Starting to worry again---arrrrr!!!

25-04-08, 11:44
As most of you know i want to the doctors last week about the swelling in my neck----this is the third GP I have seen at the practice plus i have had blood tests and an X ray!!!I was given the all clear again.
I was fine for a few days but my HA has kicked in again!!Last night I woke up all clammy---chest feeling a bit wet and hair line too!!I have always suffered with being warm in bed----and we have just moved and the house is a lot warmer than our old one.I am now thinking night sweats and going in to a complete panic!!!!!!!!
Granted i did have socks on as i was cold when i went to bed and i hadnt left the window on vent last night!!!
Am I YET AGAIN over reacting?? I am just sooo sick of feeling like this!! The worry is driving me insane.
OH is no help as he just says "ahhh not again---you have been to the docs and you are fine".
I just wish I could think logically.

25-04-08, 11:52
Hey jelly

Hugs firstly its rubbish huh?! I have posted today as I am panicking about my heart again.
This Health Anxiety just comes from no where and grabs us on the butt.

In your posting you have said how your house is warmer, and you have always suffered with being warm in bed so thats a good indicator. Also when I am due on about 2 weeks before and during I get alot hotter in the night and sweat.

I just want to tru and enjjoy this weekend, as I am sure you do to hun.

So hugs and chin up, and its all OK! Nothing to worry about


25-04-08, 18:41
Hey Jellybean,

Sorry to hear you are worrying so bad again. I just wanted to tell you that I get the same thing, wake up in the night sweating and then panic about what is happening. All I know is that the less I think about it, the less it happens.

Did you get my card yet? If so, sit down and write me a letter and get all your feelings out. I'd love to hear from you.

Take care

25-04-08, 20:08
Hi Jelly,

your 'looking' for things again. You are fine hun, honestly. I also go with Em on being hotter before i am due.
I have an itchy mole that i got the all clear on yesterday and today its driving me nuts, but i'm trying my best to ignore it because i've been told its fine. If i fight it for long enough the fear will go,

love anx xx

25-04-08, 21:10
Thanks everyone.
EMIRA ---I hope you are feeling better this evening--sorry I havent replied to your thread but I have had my son and his girlfriend here most of the day. I do understand how you feel xx
WORRIER--Thanks I got your card yesterday---I am going away for a couple of days but will get a letter written as soon as i get back---I hope you are keeping well!!
ANXIOUS----aww thanks ---you are sooo right!!I had a long chat with my 75 year old dad today and he said that I need to believe the doctors. He had Cancer 15 years ago and got better---he said that if it was anything serious i would certainly know about it and that blood tests/X rays arent wrong!!!I didnt really want to tell him too much but he said I need to try and focus on other things!!
I know that the "night sweat" thing has always been a part of me----hence the fact OH used to spend nights in the spare bed as I was and am LOL always warm in bed!
Thanks again everyone for taking the time to reply xxxx

25-04-08, 21:12
ANXIOUS---sorry i forgot to say well done for getting the mole checked out--I know it isnt easy going to the docs.I am sure it is fine----the itching will be anxiety!!!