View Full Version : constant swallowing

25-04-08, 17:02
I started having panic attacks in jan. after taking over the oc**ter medince for a head cold. They lasted for a weekend - worse at night, didn't sleep at all, was up pacing the floor all night. I went on an antibiotic and felt gret for two weeks. Then had to take medicine for a yeast infection and ended up with anxiety ofver the weekend again. Was fine all week long for the next two weeks and only had anxiety on the weekends. During this time I developed the the symptom of having too much saliva in my mouth and constantly swallowing. I had to go on an antibiotic again for a my sinus and this time I had anxiety for most of the day. I had the swallowing problem off and on along with feeling like I couldn't eat or drink. I should also add that I was not getting any sleep at this time because my anxiety was much worse at night. Then suddenly the swallowing problem got worse - I started havin g spasms of swallowing without any extra saliva. It was horrible. I swallowd all the time. Sometimes a couple of days would go by when it seemed to go away. My doctor tried my on antiaxiety medication and zoloft which both made me very ill and I had to stop. Fianlly a freind gave me somevalium which I cut in half. I took one half before bed that night and the next day my anxiety was not very bad. So I took another one that night. I woke up feeling great without any anxiety. I di not take nay valium for the next three nights and slept and woke up feeling fine. All together in the past fifteen days I have not had any anxiety, only taken valium 7 nights out of 15, but I STILL have the swallowing problem. It is the only symptom I have left - I am eating, drinking, sleeping and even gained 5 lbs back, I just don't know what do to about this constnat swallwoing problem - it is very annoying. Any suggestions PLEASE?

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