View Full Version : My story....Please read and help!

25-04-08, 21:41
Hello everyone,

I am new here. :)
I am a 28 year old female and I've suffered from HA in some way shape or form for the last 10 years. 4 years ago it was at it's worse. I had a constant fear of lymphoma because of a swollen lymph node that had been on my neck my whole life. Even though none of the doctors were concerned about the lymph node, I just "knew" it was cancerous and I needed it to be taken out. I had it removed and low and behold. No cancer. Anyway, I had been doing good with my HA over the last 4 years until recently.

About a month ago we got a puppy. I didn't realize how stressful raising a puppy is. This is when my symptoms started cropping up.

To make a long story short, I ended up going to the ER three days in a row last week (Thursday, Friday, Saturday). The first thing that sent me there was this burning pain I was getting down my arms at night. It was getting so scary that I went to the ER on Thursday to check it out. After listening to my whole story and having them do a cervical (neck) x-ray, the doctor said I was having severe muscle spasms in my neck that my spine was all out of whack. Because muscle and nerves and everything are all intertwined, this was causing the burning pain. Of course, this didn't satisfy me. I thought it was something deeper in my spine causing this. So Friday, I go back to the ER and they do a spinal x-ray...basically tell me the same thing and send me on my way. Friday night I read about a certain kind of lung cancer that causes similar symptoms as mine. So Saturday I go to the ER and get a chest x-ray. Basically on Saturday they told me that I am having myofascial pain (a fancy way to describe muscle pain and spasms) and costochondritis (which is an inflammation of the cartilage between the breast bone and ribs and is brought on my emotional stress). The doctor in the ER on saturday said he could even feel my trigger spots that were causing my pain (I guess the cartilage feels different in those parts). I did start to feel a little bit better after my ER trip on Saturday, but now I am going downhill again.

Bottom line: I am still not feeling well. I am still having alittle bit of the burning aches and pains in my arms. I don't sleep right. I sleep on my stomach with my hands above my head. All the doctors have told me this can go a number on your skin, combined with the muscles spasms in my neck and back because of the stress...and yeah...not good. Anyway, I am still having those burny aches and pains in my arms, my head feels like its going to pop off of my body, I feel numb and tingly in various parts of my body off and on, and I am having random twitches. And oh yeah....they put me on Celexa a week ago and I haven't been able to stop shaking since....constant tremors.

All of this has got me thinking ALS, MS, some sort of nuerological disease....even though I've had 4 doctors do all those little neuro tests on my last week and nothing seemed off to them. I am thinking muscle spams and a pinched nerve could not be causing this....especially since I am having some symptoms head to toe.

Today the whole left side of my body is achey and I am having a hard time catching a good breath. The aches and pains travel all over but today it's the left hand side. I also have that horrible cloudy and foogy brain today which I hate. I feel like I am walking around outside of my body all day.

I am scared this is something that is going to kill me. Normal blood work, multiple x-rays later, and 3 er visits later and I am just not convinced.

I want an MRI or the spine and brain to make sure nothing is going on with me. I had a clean MRI of the head four years ago but I'm afraid something has cropped up since.

Please help calm me down. Can anxiety me doing this to me. I didn't have some of the these symptoms the last time around with me HA. No burning last time. This is scaring me most.


25-04-08, 22:01
I am really sorry to hear you are having such a hard time. I understand fully about the lymphoma worry(sooo glad you are ok) as that is my biggest fear despite being told that i am ok and having numerous tests(see my posts!!!).
I am certain that everything you are feeling now is anxiety.I honestly think that if you have had all those tests and X rays over the last few days that you are fine. HEALTH ANXIETY is a terrible thing and makes you have loads of symptoms. If you read the SYMPTOMS board on the left you will see that you are experiencing quite a lot of those things.
Please try and calm down. You will be fine. Sending you a big hug xxxx

25-04-08, 22:03
Sorry forgot to add that the new puppy will probably have triggered it off as my trigger was definately moving house.
We moved in September last year and three weeks later i have full blown HA!!!!
It does seem to be the pattern---a stressful event triggers it off!

26-04-08, 09:37

Firstly I get burning feeling and muscle twitches. Have you ever heard of fybromyalgia? I went to see a rheumatologist who told me he thought that was what was causing it.
Although Fybromyalgia is a taboo word, as it basically means lots of symptoms without a cause, and alot of docs in the UK refuse to acknowledge it.
The warm/burning feeling is symptomatic of Fybromyalgia.

Can I just add as well its not in away shape or form dangerous to your health, and things like swimming help greatly.

I have HA, and have bad days/good days, am just coming out of the other side with a bad day!!

Puppies are hard hard work, so its no wonder your stressed hunny! so go easy on your self.


26-04-08, 18:48
Hi Moe,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

26-04-08, 18:50
hi and welcome you will get loads support here and make new friends xx

28-04-08, 08:07
hiya moe :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :D . you will get lots of support/advice and make some great friends along the way. the muscel burning/twitchs/shakes are all symptoms of anxiety hun. when i am very anx and stressed i get the muscel burning sensations down my arms and in my neck. i get twitches in my legs and i go very shakey sometimes. are you finding ur new puppy stressful is it a little hyper? have you considered training classes? they can be a great help. dont forget to visit the chat room where you can talk to us all about things.
best wishes
take care.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
