View Full Version : cold tight feeling in head

25-04-08, 22:33
does any one get like a tight pulling feeling on their head but it kinda feels cold?
its hard to explain wat its like it just feels tigh and cold:blush:

26-04-08, 09:32
Hey Munchkin,

I don't get the tightness but I do get the cold feeling.

Its totally bizarre isn't it!


28-04-08, 22:05
:bighug1: i know its very strange, it only seems to happen in the morning. it kinda freaks me out!!

30-04-08, 12:14
I just posted to another person about this feeling.

My scalp feels like its burning cold... really weird and worries me.

It comes and goes, I will be seeing a shrink soon so I hope to get some answers as to what this is!

Ans sometimes my forehead feels heavy

I have had anxiety for all my life but i have been on paroxetine since i was 18, it worked well.

I have come off for personal reasons and my anxiety started again.

I am seeking help as i want to get over this without medication, otherwise i will never have kids.

I have had blood tests and all is well now i'm wondering is it stupid to ask for an MRI.

Has anyone else had one?


01-05-08, 16:09
do u ever get burning pains in a straight line that kinda shoots and then goes?