View Full Version : So you think you're worthless?

26-04-08, 01:07
Tell me you don't have any of the following traits and I'll believe you............that you don't suffer from anxiety!!!:D

Are you........

Even a perfectionist
Care about others and what they think
Sensitive to others feelings
Do your best for yourself and others at work or at home
Worry about hurting others
Kind and gentle, and only hit back if feel hurt
Go out of your way to help
Beat yourself up if you think you've failed
Have tremendous empathy

Any I've missed?

Ok.........tell me you're not any of the above or I won't believe you when you say you're weak, bad or worthless! Dare you! :emot-pinochio:

Well, all I can say is I wish the world was filled with more people who regarded themselves as "worthless" because those who think they're not are often the ones who are!

milly jones
26-04-08, 14:10
sending a big hug to you Bill,


26-04-08, 14:44
Ok Bill so you got me but it dosnt make any difference does it, its because we are all of what you said that puts us where we are.

Your so thoughtful Bill and a good friend
love ness

26-04-08, 15:08

That was definitely a " Worthy " point :yesyes: !!!

You know how to make people feel better , Thanks :) !


God writes a lot of comedy... the trouble is, he's stuck with so many bad actors who don't know how to play funny.
-Garrison Keillor-

26-04-08, 15:55
hi Bill great point you made, hope you are well:hugs:

26-04-08, 22:54
Hi Bill
What a great post,you have certainly cheered me up.
Hope you are well mate
Take care


26-04-08, 23:05
Thanks Bill you have made me feel alot better.
Hugs to you.

27-04-08, 04:06
it dosnt make any difference does it, its because we are all of what you said that puts us where we are.

Thank you for the replies!

Ness:hugs: ,

We can still be all those things without letting others use those things against us to put us where we are.:winks:

When you look in the mirror, you see only bad and blame those things above for making you feel bad because of the way people have used them against you.

If I looked in the mirror and saw your qualities, I'd only think of the good in you and admire you for the above things that make you who you are.

We can either beat ourselves up for having these qualities in ourselves mistreated and hurt by others or we can admire them and remind ourselves that they make the "good" caring loving kind person that "you" are. Are you any different from the other people above? You may think so but none of them would agree! They'd all only see what I see that you're as "good" as them!:hugs: No, you're not allowed to argue either because you'll lose!:D