View Full Version : relaxation

01-04-05, 11:17
how often do you use relaxation?

15-08-05, 21:13
Hi there,

I use it daily, I do three mins of mediation and relaxation before work and it works wonders. I use yogalearningcentre.com ( atleast i think that's the address). I don't know if there are any other online centres, but this one is very good, if anyone wants my username and login let me know, as i have an annual subcription :)

Yoga is great, so calming and soothing, also hypnosis works well and having a soothing aromatherapy bath, and foot spa. A nice massage!! Animals also are great for stress, proven fact!! Owning a pet cat or dog is likely to enhance your life by one year so they say, don't know if it's true or not lol. But i love animals, i used to work at the RSPCA, this being a time when my disorder was at it's weakest, i think because i was volunteering it was such a wonderful feeling i was giving to myself protecting animals.

Anyway, good luck all :)

Love Jane xx

01-10-05, 14:36
I know relaxation should be done daily but I really only do it when I remember or when I am anxious while out doors...

01-10-05, 20:42
Same here Chuckle. I never seem to find the time though know I should make time..:D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

01-10-05, 20:49
i hardly do relaxtion as i dont ever seem to have the time but i really must cos it does work sometimes when i get the time and the chance to do some form of relaxation

all the best


There is light at the end of the tunnel its just fiding it thats the hard part

01-10-05, 23:22
I Find relaxation really hard and twice in a relaxation class had panics ( only went to 3) at a time when panic attacks were rare.
so cant say it helped me does anyone else have same prob.
anyhow its ok as i have 3 cats and a rabbit so if animals help ( re ambience) im fine

02-10-05, 07:27
The Art of Living Foundation has a yogic exercise called Sudershan Kriya it can eliminate Anxiety / Panic .

I was ok when I did that .