View Full Version : To care or not to care?

26-04-08, 02:50
If you read this Martin, your reply in my "What to Do" thread made me think more and so I'm grateful to you.

You reminded me of something that alarms me greatly but as an individual carer I feel powerless to to prevent what I fear will be more tragic stories from occurring.

Like most things in life including anxiety, unless someone has experienced something, I don't think anyone can Really appreciate the effect it has on someone which why people shouldn't be so quick to judge others because they're not in that persons situation or feeling what they feel. For instance, the question of worthiness is subjective. One person will feel worthless but to another they maybe invaluable.

For the first 5 years of my marriage I literally had no support to help me care for my wife who at that times was far worse than she is now. I was working full time but there was no respite at home from pressure either. It was daily emotional torment of constant mental attacks and false accusations. There was no escape and no one to turn to. All we had was the doctor and a psychiatrist.

There were added pressures from next door with noise, our dog who became ill and eventually a house move. My mind simply imploded with all the pressure so I turned to self harming, overdoses and the odd bottle too but still no one was there for me.

The panic attacks and suicidal thoughts were frightening and yet in a sense I didn't care because I could see no future other than the emotional pain I was suffering. Doctors would say to me "Why are you doing this when there are genuinely ill people", "Why are you doing this when you should be thinking of your wife" or "What are you doing in A&E with a panic attack?" I could easily have topped myself and the system would have said they did all they could with their limited resources.

I went through the mental health system of medications, therapies, ECT, counselling, psychologists.....you name it really but none of them could offer what I Really needed to survive.

I can So much understand why mothers who care for disabled children feel they're trapped with no light at the end of the tunnel so end up doing what I nearly did. I admit their circumstances are different to mine but in lots of ways the pressures and situation are similar.

It took me years of effort to get the support my wife needed but Still after nearly 18 years, the support "I" need isn't there. Support is always directed at the patientr rather than the carer and yet even then patients fall through loopholes in the system so that both the patient and carer are left neglected which sometimes costs their lives.

My wife has a cpn. They Know I'm her carer. They visit once a month to take a blood test for her medication. They Know that my wife won't go to bed until 4 or 5 in the morning so when they arrive in the morning I'm normally in bed. At a review once I told the cpn I was in bed due to the lack of sleep and she replied "Oh, I thought you were at work". I could have been buried in the garden and they might never have known. Even now, Never when they visit do they enquire where I am or even How I'm feeling. I'm just left and yet I'm my wifes carer so they rely on me to look after her! It's Crazy and it makes me So Angry!

Yes, there are carers groups I could attend which I have been to before but most often the carers present are elderly caring for elderly partners. Younger carers are few and far between and often "trapped" in their homes in their caring roles because the patient can't be left.

We can ask for a carers assessment and once it was offered but never been followed up. Silence to them must mean we're ok and don't need help. They don't seem to think that it could be because we can't be bothered with the extra hassle of fighting for more.

When I was under the Mental Health Team, their final advice was "Go out and make friends" because then I wouldn't be so isolated feeling so depressed. And how exactly when it's left to just you to help yourself on top of caring for a partner? Carers are left not just feeling alone but Being on their own and to the system they're invisible.

The government are now even telling carers they must contribute to "pay to care" for the support they need.

As Martin rightly said, anxiety makes people retreat and not shout for help, and if the shout for help is ignored, the sufferer retreats further and is left.

Ok...now I've got all that off my chest....

People who are feeling stressed, depressed and anxious will only "talk" if the support is offered by people they Know will understand them. A mother caring for a disabled child I doubt very much will feel they belong in a carers group made up of elderly people just as I've always felt.

Am I or they any different from any other anxiety sufferer on here? So what kind of support do "we" need? Social services should be providing the practical support but where do we get mental support?...From people who "understand" like you of a similar generation in a place like this!

When you're trapped, isolated and feeling alone in your home under immense emotional pressure from your caring role away from people your age who are leading "normal" working lives, a place like this is Invaluable and EVERY surgery should be telling their anxiety/depression sufferers of its existence then more young carers lives might just be saved!:hugs:

I'm sorry but it just makes me So angry that the option from society appears to be "not to care"!:angry:

26-04-08, 08:39
Bill I care and send you huge hug :hugs: xxhugxx

26-04-08, 09:09
Oh Bill...I wish I had some answers for you but sadly I dont....I think you're a true gentleman living in very difficult circumstances and your anger and frustration are completely justified. As a member of a so called caring profession it makes me feel ashamed that 'we' still get so many things wrong and there are so many gaping holes in the system.

Thank you for your post...certainly gave me food for thought.

Just a thought and Im sure youve probably done this but have you considered sending your post or similar to your local MP or Primary Health Care General Manager?

Sending you hugs
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
luv Coni XX

26-04-08, 09:23
Hi Bill

I want to thank you first for posting your thread. You have helped somebody very close to me , My Chris, I asked him to read it and he burst into tears he can relate to everything you have said and unfortunatley because of me he is at that stage now.

he has told me that if he didnt love me as much he would O/D, he cant cope any more. He is very depressed and suffering from the outfull of me and my stupidness.
yes i will say the thread has made me feel a burden to my hubby but in another way it also has made me open my eyes to what is going on here, with us.

Your a wonderful caring person with lots of fine qualities, im sorry for you that you wrote the thread in the first place, reading your thread has made me see what its like for the carers that dont count.

Take care and much love to you
ps I hope you didnt mind me showing Chris

27-04-08, 04:24
Thank you all for caring.:hugs:

I cope "ok". What really angers me is knowing others are being let down by the system.

Coni, yes, I really should consider printing that and trying to make my voice loud to someone in power so I'll certainly think on that.

Ness, of course I don't mind you showing Chris. :hugs: I just hope I haven't made you both feel worse because I wouldn't want that. He obviously loves you dearly and so I really can't believe you could ever drive him to harming himself because he loves and cares about you Too much. He needs you Ness so you mustn't beat yourself up because he loves you for the woman that you Are. He just hurts to see what he treasures harmed.

He sees you as his rose with velvet petals fluttering in the sunlight but you only see your thorns and the harm you think they cause him. He loves his rose though. He just wants her to keep safe.

I can understand both sides. I can understand how both of you feel and I too want you to keep safe. He will never leave you because he loves you Too much. He just wants to protect his rose but both of you could do with more help and support. To him you are the most special and precious person he has and he loves you dearly so I'm sure in his eyes he feels the most lucky man alive to have such a loving caring woman as yourself. He's just so afraid of losing you so to him you could never be a burden because he just wants you to keep safe so that he can love you for the woman that he Loves.:hugs:

27-04-08, 09:18
Bill my friend

you have me in floods of tears.

Thank you so much for taking the time to right what you did.

I feel so ashamed of what I have done and what I still do and wish I could stop it but at the moment I cant, ive tried so hard.
I HATE myself so much for watching the pain in his eyes and the hurt he is going through.
All that you have said is tree, he calls me his princess, we are made for each other Bill no doubts about that.

When we first met he looked at me and said inside your head is a ball of string thats knotted up, I will help you unravel it and when its unraveled you will stand there holding my hand i will let go and you will stand alone and be safe but I will always be by your side.

I feel i have distroyed him.

Sorry I cant carry this on:weep: :weep: :weep: :weep:

speak soon and thank you

27-04-08, 20:17
Ness:hugs: ,

Don't feel ashamed and don't think you've destroyed him.:hugs:

You can't help doing what helps you just as much as he can't help loving you for the woman you Are.

He doesn't hate you. You only hate yourself.

Remind yourself how much he Loves you for Being You and let the love you hold for each other heal you.:bighug1:

27-04-08, 20:32
Hello Lovely Bill, welldone for writing all that down and it shows what a strong person you are, i have started my own thread on the subject of this because since i joined here and met such wonderful people i have been deeply saddened at the amount of people being let down by care workers, doctors etc, i wish i could help everyone out there.

You went through hell but came out fighting so :hugs: and keep strong bill you are helping alot of people on here xxx

28-04-08, 03:41
Hello Donna:hugs: ,

You've certainly helped me with your support!:hugs:

I've replied to your other thread with my thoughts.:hugs:

28-04-08, 09:36

I have often read your posts but never commented.

There are two people I would like to walk by my side during the hours of 'darkness' in the 'wilderness'.

One would be Jesus, and the other would be you!!.

Your posts are a inspiration to us all.

Take care my friend and may God bless you.


28-04-08, 15:05
Dear Bill

You do not have to apologise to me or anyone else for being angry, though I do hear your discomfort in being so. When I hear you speak of how, for want of recognition by others, you have turned your isolation, powerlessness and anger upon yourself, I find myself pleased for you (though pleasure seems a wierd thing to have in hearing of your distress) that you are able to focus anger elsewhere.

Once, I was moved by the words of Ahab in Moby Dick and can still vividly recall them. They perfectly described what I was (and to an extent still am) doing to myself -

'... and be the white whale agent, or be the white whale principal, I will wreak my hate upon him.'

Of course, old Ahab was consumed by his whale. I get the idea that you have decided that this will not be your fate, at least not without a fight.

Stay sharp, shipmate.


28-04-08, 15:25
... and when Ahab speaks of hate, I do not see this as being the opposite of love. For me, the opposite of love is no love. I see hate to be a corrosive mixture of fear, anger, frustration and shame and it is with this mixture that I sometimes daub myself or others with. Now that's what I call negative.


29-04-08, 04:38
Kevin -
I don't think I've ever been paid such a compliment! Thank you!:blush:

We all have inner strength. Anxiety just masks it from us by filling our minds with negative feelings and emotions, pressures and worries but once we break free of its grip, we can see more than just the boulder that keeps us in the dark.

I turned in on myself. I saw no hope but I realised I had a passion for people and their suffering and so I became determined to reach out to show we're not alone and that there is Always Hope.

If we give up, all hope is lost and what a terrible waste that is when an anxiety sufferer has so much to offer to this world. Who else is more caring and considerate to others?

My strength comes from my hurt. I don't feel hate but my anger comes from compassion because "good" people Should be cared about and that's why I'm here because I doubt any of you realise just how special you are and how much you give to others through your admirable qualities.

We always focus on what we think is the bad in us but we can never see the good. If an anxiety sufferer isn't worth caring about then No one is because No one cares more about others than an anxiety sufferer and it's about time the world woke up to that fact and started to follow your example! Never beat yourself up or feel ashamed for what you ARE because there are no finer examples of humanity!:hugs:

This is in the poetry section but I feel worth copying to here....


Compassion; a word that means so much yet used so little,
Why has it left the world and abandoned those who feel ill?
Where is the understanding; basic rules that we have lost?
Do we carry too much hurt to help those who need it most?

Should we turn our back and ignore others,
And not try to listen with sensitivity to their troubles?
When we need help, where is it to be found
And when we find it; do they really understand?

And what will this world, the people be like?
The years ahead, will they be bright?
Should people not show they care?
For expressing concern has become too rare?
But while there is hope, I believe not all is lost,
And to show compassion is still a worthy cost!

29-04-08, 19:46
Yes, I think I see better what you mean, especially the struggle to turn compassion and caring in on oneself.

Want a quote? It was written by Martin Buber in 1957 and I think you will find his meanings familiar to you - He uses the word confirmation in a similar way to your use of compassion and I don't think that they are too far apart -

' In human society, at all its levels, persons confirm one another in a practical way, to some extent or other, in their personal qualities and capacities, and a society may be termed human in the measure to which its members confirm one another.

The basis of man's life with man is twofold, and it is one - the wish of every man to be confirmed as what he is, even as what he can become, by men; and the innate capacity in man to confirm his fellow-men in this way. That this capacity lies so immesurably fallow constitutes the real weakness a nd questionableness of the human race: actual humanity exists only where this capacity unfolds. On the other hand, of course, an empty claim for confirmation, without devotion for being and becoming, again and again mars the truth of the life between man and man.

Men need, and it is granted to them, to confirm one another in their individual being by means of genuine meetings: but beyond this they need, and it is granted to them, to see the truth, which the soul gains by its struggle, light up to the others, the brothers, in a different way, and even so be confirmed.'

Alright, so women hardly get a mensh, and truth has a nasty habit of changing, and his last sentence I can only understand in little, emotional, bursts, but can you see any similarity with what you are struggling with?


30-04-08, 04:50
I "think" what you're saying is we need to show compassion for ourselves as well as others because that's the basis of humanity?

Speaking more about compassion, in todays world I feel "profit" means more than "compassion" but whereas profit is the main concern of big business, compassion is often the main concern of the "little people".

I know I refer to it alot but the film "It's a wonderful life" shows that compassion is more important than profit because profit makes a few people rich but care and compassion saves many lives. It's just a pity that the 2 worlds of reality can't merge more often but that would be utopia!