View Full Version : Today I have.........Saturday

26-04-08, 08:22
This is the place to put your achievement/s for today no matter how tiny they were to you they were a triumph xxhugxx:yesyes:

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that
take our breath away"

26-04-08, 08:23
The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible.

Don't let the past steal your present.

26-04-08, 10:32
i love these posts and have read them each day!
ok. . . today i have got up and feel really rough!!!!!!!!!
so ive not given in and started to sort through problems that have been mounding up. . . money. . . phone calls that needed making. . . etc

26-04-08, 11:01
Well done Bluesparkle, it is when on the really hard days that we can achieve something even small that make such a difference. I feel you will triumph today :winks: xxhugxx

26-04-08, 11:48
Today I have.....woken up with a bit of a swollen shoulder so breakfast was tea and some painkillers lol. THEN...I phoned my sister and told her about winning 185 quid at the bingo last night and invited her out to lunch . My treat. She's feelin a wee bit low about her job and needs some cheering up.

Lynne xx

26-04-08, 11:51
Pooh what a wonderful win well done. I hope the shoulder soon recovers. Enjoy your lunch. xxhugxx:)

26-04-08, 13:32
ok ive done it lol !
i went to town queued in post office . . . had to come back as panic attack but then went out again and finished what i was meant to do.
i am sooo tired but am going to face work too. . .

26-04-08, 13:41
well done bluesparkle, good for you!!:yesyes: :bighug1:

26-04-08, 13:48
Wow well done Bluesparkle now that is what I call a triumph you must be thrilled. xxhugxx:whistles:

milly jones
26-04-08, 13:52
bendigedig pooh and blue sparkle!

I just come back from 8 mile walk in the hills with the dogs,only the streams, birds and my labs for company, heaven

xxxxxx milly xxxxxxx

oh and lots of sheep !!!!

26-04-08, 13:58
milly and bluesparkle thats amazing well dine.

today i went to see a lovely cbt therapist and i have been told to write the things down I avoid.

quite worrying look at my long list

supermarkets,public transport,park,shops, social stuff, crowded places,flyiing, hairdressers,places i cant escape easily, concerts, going for walks,driving

what a life i lead heh

26-04-08, 14:00
i mean well done - must have food on brain

26-04-08, 14:02
HI Everyone and :hugs: to you Rach for not letting the panic win, well done.

Well, I havent done anything new today (so far) but that's because I've cleared the summer house and shed of everything, sorted it and boxed it all (I'm moving in 3 weeks, fingers crossed).

Been to Tesco and got lottery and paper and am now having well earned break catching up with NMP.

Pooh, I hope your shoulder gets better soon :hugs: and Milly I bet you had a great time on your walk especially if you've got the sun like we have

Happy Saturday everyone


PS Lindy, I know I said it yesterday but this really is a great thread :hugs:

26-04-08, 14:06
Millly, Pickle and Bab, Well done lol cannot remember which of you it was but clearing the shed out! if that is not a triumph I don't know what is well done, and a long walk how wonderful that would be, sorry will be one day. xxhugxx I have today got as far as sitting sowing seeds mind just outside the french doors, cannot yet get to the garden but will one day. xxhugxx:hugs:

26-04-08, 14:11
Good for you Lindy :hugs: . It's the small steps that give you the confidence to try a bigger step, and a bigger step :D

I can still remember when I couldnt leave the house and altho I still have my safe zones I know that eventually I WILL be taking an 8 mile walk like Milly.

Well done Babs, my list was probably one of the most important things I ever wrote.

Have a great day


26-04-08, 16:07
today, i ave cut the grass in the back garden, hard work as very over grown. now i am tired.

26-04-08, 16:26
Well done Shinney bet the scent from the grass was wonderful, oh how I miss mowing my lawns, hubby did it this morning I was very envious, but....I did managed to walk half way up the garden, then I scattered back again. xxhugxx:hugs:

26-04-08, 16:31
:yesyes: Lindy :yesyes:

Well done Lindy, soon you'll be going in the garden and not even thinking about going back indoors. With everyone posting so positively you cant help but get swept along with their obvious joy at their successes.

Shinney, I love the smell of cut grass - mine is getting long now so if the rain holds off tomorrow that's what I'm aiming to do


26-04-08, 16:47
took my younest 2 children for hair cuts and tothe park at bottom of road on my own no help at all so pleased with myself as not taken them out for 11 months..

They were so good and kept saying 2 me "WE LOVE YOU MUMMY YOUR DOING REALLY GOOD" It made me smile as they truely are wonderful children... i know we all say that about our children but i believe mine are..

Thankyou for doing this thread you dont realise how much this has encouraged me to go out each day just to share my life a little..

Please keep it going

Take care

Beth xx :)

26-04-08, 17:07
Beth what a massive triumph for you how wonderful, your children must be so so proud of you. Well done bells and whistles for you today xxhugxx:whistles:

26-04-08, 19:18
Just for ino purposes the picture with my name is the small part of the garden taken last year xxhugxx

26-04-08, 19:37
Today I went to the shop on my own and paid my papers then I went on a really long fast walk with my partner, felt exhausted afterwards but it got rid of my anxiety. Lindy, you have a beautiful garden.
love Mags xxxx

26-04-08, 19:51
Mags well done in the sunshine I imagine the walk was just wonderful what a triumph xxhugxx:hugs:

26-04-08, 21:07
I am going off for tonight now, to everyone who has had a triumph today bells and whilstles and very well done. xxhugxx:whistles: