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01-04-05, 11:39
hi everyone,
why do i feel so bad in the mornings[?] its really getting me down now, i wake up feeling ok, then, as soon as i get out of bed the dizzyness starts up again, im like it most of the morning, ive had a bit of trouble with my eyes since last saturday theve been a bit watery and my eyelids seemed warm and a bit sticky it hasnt got any worse though, the eye trouble came the day after i had a bit of a cry, i dont know whether its to do with that, also ive been feeling queezy on and off,but worse in the morning, do you think its anxiety related, its getting to the point where i dread getting up in the mornings,
luv sue

01-04-05, 12:34
hi sue

Try just sitting up in bed for about 10 minutes before you do get up do you tend to get out of bed quickly as i too have suffered from the same sort of thing it is not very pleasant is it.....for your eyes you could try putting cucumber or cold tea bags on them for about 5 mins this will help refresh them...even a cold flannel will do....i have used this many times to help with my eyes...i am sure these feelings are just a passing thing and you will soon feel much better.

take care della[:o)]

01-04-05, 12:48

i hate mornings to! but 1 think you should think of is that once you are up you will gradually start to feel better as the day goes on. just try to push through how you are feeling if you can you will come ok as the day goes on!


01-04-05, 12:48
hi della,
thanks for your reply, i never get straight out of bed i always lay in and watch tv for a while, im ok for a while when i do get up then i start to get a bit dizzy/feeling faint do you think it could be the anxiety welling up thats causing the upset tum etc
regards sue

01-04-05, 12:56
Hi Sue, i used to feel like that on a morning and even wake up anxious, still do sometimes. mine was partly due to medication I thought, so altered the time.still occassionally anxious on an evening but feel better for starting the day right if that makes sense? could you take a flask of tea up, my husband used to bring me one up it helped, sort of relaxed me.
this sitehas definitly helped too, lots of good positive information, take care. x

01-04-05, 15:42
Hi Sue,

Its quite usual to feel worse in the morning when you're acutely anxious.

Not quite sure why apart from the obvious hypo that Lucy has mentioned and thoughts that are at the front of your mind

I often felt almost normal by evening time but the next morning would feel awful again. It was so demoralising - but hey , that too did pass as I generally got better.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

01-04-05, 18:39
hi sue,

yep i used to get this too....morning were always the worse but i found that getiing up straigh away the best option, no lingrering just up no matter how i felt, wobbly dizzy, funny eyes worrying thougths....just 8up and shower,,.....wasnt easy but im sure to helped.

take care


01-04-05, 18:53
Hi Sue,
I feel exactly the same most mornings, sometimes even before i have opened my eyes, my stomach churns, palpitations and dizziness, and lately my stomach seems to be permanently upset, i do seem to go through phases with the upset tummy bit, but when i have it, i convince myself there's something drastically wrong with me, that, in turn, makes the dizziness worse and on it goes. Anyway, Sue i do definately think it is related to anxiety and please do as suggested, get up pretty soon after you wake, quick shower, breakfast, before you have time to lay there and think how awful you feel, i have tried this and, most times, it works. Maybe you have a touch on conjunctivitis, try bathing your eyes, a chemist will recommend what to use.

01-04-05, 19:57
Hi Sue
If you're anything like me as soon as i wake up i start thinking about how i'm feeling today and 9/10 i land up making myself feel naff. I seem to do better when i oversleep then i have to get up rush round and don't have time to think of anything lol.
Take care

01-04-05, 20:36
Hi there Sue,

At the minute I'm having a real rough patch and the minute I'm concious in a morning, my heart starts to race and I can't bear to stay in bed any longer. The second I'm out of bed I feel a bit off balance and very panicy. I find that it takes a lot of distraction and effort to just feel "ok" by about lunch time. This has been going on for a couple of weeks now.

Hope this helps,


01-04-05, 21:30
Hi Sue

I think it has a lot to do with low blood sugar especially around the age of 40 - pre menopause - avoid quick releasing sugars after 6pm, e.g biscuits, sweets, chocolate, they cause your blood sugar to rocket and then plummet and can cause your body to react by releasing more adrenalin and therefore giving you anxious feelings. I have a bowl of cereals (not sugary!) before I go to bed or a sandwich on wholemeal bread as they contain slow releasing sugars. If I do eat sweets I try to eat them immediately after a meal so the sugar is absorbed at the same time as my meal.

First thing in a morning you need sugar but not quick-releasing such as biscuits etc. Going without breakfast is the worst thing to do so have wholemeal toast, porridge, cereals and maybe orange juice but not too much as it contains a lot of fruit sugars, I tend to dilute mine. I wouldn't say this is the answer to yours or my problems and it's so hard as when i'm feeling down I need quick sugar but I know I'll feel worse and if you help your body out you must be helping your state of mind. Hope it makes sense!


01-04-05, 22:03
I agree with Di entirely , when we're acutely anxious all our endocrine and central nervous sytems are under pressure and even if you were not sensitive to sugar previously you may temporarily become sensitive.

The diet Di is describing is the Glycaemic Index diet which is now being recommended more and more.

Your recovery will be driven by how well you look after your body as well as your mind so its a multi faceted approach that's best of all.

DP / DR people this applies to you too ....


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...