View Full Version : My heart feels weird, panic??

26-04-08, 13:01
Hi guys

Its your favourite NMP rapper here Dave (haha) and i would love your advice guys if i can get some advice here.

For the last few months i have felt like my heart is weird (like sensations of a heavy heart (not due to emotions lol) but it just feels heavy or big. I get ectopic beats very frequently and feel short of breath with it and can rarely get a deep breath with it going on. Combined with this, my nose feels constantly constricted (especially in morning when waking up) but it is there all day :(

My BP is still normal through this at around 120-130/75-82

I get these sensations at rest too! Is this classic panic/anxiety?

I am terrified that years of this panic has weakened my heart and caused it to enlarge or be less efficient pumping.

Any opinions guys?


26-04-08, 16:30
Hi Dave,

Can I ask, why are you taking your blood preasure? If its because you have a genuine medical reason to them fair enough. Or if you are not and anxiety sufferer then fair enough, it good to keep an eye on it for anyone.

But of you do recognise yourself as an anxiety sufferer, do yourself a favour and sell you BP monitor on Ebay and dont buy another one. What if your BP had been high? You would have been panickig even more, you knwo you would.

There are too many web sites and too many programmes on TV about health these days, we know that an unhealthy heart can grow larger, and therefor I guess what you are thinking is that it would aslo be heavier (probably true). But even if your heart was very unhealthy, you would not "feel" that your heart got heavier or larger. I'll bet you no person has ever presented to his doctor saying "My heart feels large and heavy" and has gone on to find out that indeed he/she has got and enlarged heart. It doesn't happen that way.

You are terrified after years of panic that you have weakened your heart. I wont lie, in the past I have had the same thought as you, but I can assure you we do not weaken our heart through anxiety.

Your ectopic beats are caused directly by the anxiety you feel, and your shortness of breath is likely to be due to the ectopic beats. It not easy to take your mind off it I know, but I bet you dont notice those ectipc beats when your mind is engrossed in something else. Go for a walk, do something completely dfferent.

Don't surf the internet looking for related symptoms, which if you are anything like I used to be, is exactly what you have been doing. Stop having gadgets around the house for checking your BP or anything else. Every time you do something like that you are restarting the healing process.

My nose always feels restricted and blocked. I put it down to the fact that I smoke, spend a lot of time indoors, and sadly I'm getting older. You go int a room full of a hundred people and ask how many of them wake with a blocked nose. Its every morning for me.

It took me years to realise that the only way to get some peice of mind is to realise once and for all that the battle is against anxiety, not any other condition. Everyone has a chance of getting sick, what us anxious people do is make ourselves sick before we are really physically sick. It's hard I know, but feeling is the chest are VERY common place with anxiety.

Good luck.

28-04-08, 02:50
Wow Dave your Blood pressure looks great! But if you keep feeling bad it wont hurt to go see your GP just to rule everything out and clear your mind. No point in worrying that your have a bad heart or something when it can be rules out in mins after a doctor appt.

But like I said your BP looks great! :yesyes:

28-04-08, 06:52
This is the first thing that I read on this site and I have to say that I feel alittle better knowing that exactly what I feel is being felt by others. I just wanted to thank you for sharing information about yourself.