View Full Version : Confused by results

26-04-08, 19:48
Hi there

Have finally received the results of my endoscopy(down throat), via a letter from the consultant, which stated that everything was normal and that the biopsy's showed no evidence of any ulcer causing bacteria. This is obviously great news and I was on a high when I received his letter. However, I am still suffering with the pain under my right rib and the belching so made another trip to the doctor to request an ultrasound scan to double check my gall bladder etc. (last scan was 2 years ago and all clear). This he has agreed to. He then caught sight of the biopsy results, which he received a copy of and I didn't. He noted that there was some slight inflammation and (not sure of the exact wording) some evidence of bile, indicative of reflux?? My GP said that they cab give medication that may protect the stomach and help food move in the right direction as the stomach is not designed to cope with bile. Why though was I not informed of these findings by the consultant? If I had not gone to the doctor what would have happened? My GP has not prescribed anything as yet - he is waiting for the scan results. Do I presume that this is not a serious problem??? Help, now I am all anxious again. On a funny (ha ha) note my GP did try to tell me, in a very diplomatic way, that I have to decide at what point I stop undergoing investigations as it becomes all consuming etc. I think he was trying to tell me to quit it - I did understand and explain that I am an anxious person and he was very understanding.



26-04-08, 20:07
Sounds to me like you have absolutely nothing to worry about. If your doctor thought something was wrong, he would tell you. Doctors don't tend to hide things from you, and they certainly wouldnt be telling you that you need to decide when to stop investigations, if they thought for one moment investigations were needed.

Also, if you consultant thought the slight swelling and reflux was a major problem he would have either requested further tests or prescribed medication himself.

26-04-08, 23:03
Thanks Jon I am sure you are right.
