View Full Version : the hurt of hurting our loved ones.

26-04-08, 20:12
I can handle the closing myself in my room and not wanting to go out because sooner or later it will ease, and for a while i will feel normal again, this hope keeps me going.

I look forward to getting into bed at night hoping that when i wake up the next morning i may be without the headaches.

I appreciate so much the help and advice i receive from friends close and far away.

But the cruelest part of all this is when i stay away from the friends and family that i so care for, because without these ppl i really dont know where i would be.

We must remember that our friends and family love us for who we are and that they will be there for us no matter what.

27-04-08, 05:03
Some people are very lucky to have supportive families and find loyal friends but sadly not everyones lives are so fortunate and alot of the hurt they feel and the problems that they suffer in later life are often as a result of bad experiences in the past caused by their families and friends.

However, it is impossible to live through life without experiencing hurt but then life is full of good experiences too.

We cannot hide away or live in seclusion afraid of experiencing hurt because we then become consumed by fear and depression which then controls our lives.

We learn through experiences accepting the good and bad in life. Only through experiences do we become stronger and more confident to cope with whatever life throws at us.

We cannot choose our family or how they treat us and we can only have good friends if we're prepared to suffer the mistakes of finding bad friends along the way.

The trick is to live for the good in people without the bad bringing us down so like a sieve of time, we need to release the bad from the past, learn not to shake and lose the good we've found in the sieve in the present so we keep hold of those we trust to keep us strong for the future.:)

27-04-08, 14:07
When I am feeling most despondent over my current struggles, that is when I begin to feel unworthy of my loved ones. It seems like they make so many concessions to accomodate me and my health issues. My best friend will forego eating at certain restaurants because he knows what a struggle it is for me to be in a relatively contained place with lots of background noise. Instead, he chooses to go with me to places that are very quiet. At times, he has done without going out and ordered food in just so I could go to his house and get out of mine for awhile. Other friends have picked up food at restaurants they know I like but can't handle right now and come over to share a meal with me. Phone calls and emails checking on me are also common.

On the one hand, I am so grateful to have these people in my life. At the same time, I feel as if I am shortchanging them. Whenever I mention anything along these lines, they always say I am no trouble and they want to help me through this. So when I am feeling down about this, I tell myself I want to get better for myself and for my loved ones.