View Full Version : 2 steps forward 1 step back

26-04-08, 20:16
hi, ive been a member of NMP for about 1month, in that time i have been doing really well...... untill yesterday...... i suffer from anxiety and dizziness, the dizziness due to the anxiety. i was doing really well, i woke up one morning and the dizziness had gone, which was great,the dizziness and anxiety coming back occasionally but nothing i couldnt cope with.... untill yesterday..... i had a terrable anxiety attack for no reason at all and it has really upset me, im feeling better today but am upset over the fact that ive had the out of the blue anxiety attack.
am i expecting too much?
is this normal?
has anybody else experienced this?
im not a happy bunny:weep: :weep:

26-04-08, 20:22
I have good days and bad days as well, suffer from feeling like I am bouncing all the time or swaying some days worse than others. Focus on the positive parts of the day and never even think about tomorrow. xxhugxx

26-04-08, 20:22
Hi rascal

i also suffer from months of being ok then waking up feeling totally down. Its horrible and confusing and because we for the better forget what it was like the last time then each new time is so very hard.

My only way of getting through these feelings is by remembering that i got through it the last time and that is what i am doing now.

Im sorry if that was no help to you but i wish you the best and a very speedy recovery.

26-04-08, 20:35
Hi Rascal,

One of the most important weapons you can arm yourself with as you recover is perspective.
An out of the blue panic Attack has a drastic effect on us because it is exactly that.We automatically think we are back to square one.You said yourself that you have made great improvements in a month.
Is it unreasonable for you to have an attack like this in a month?
Give yourself time to get well-don't put deadlines for recovery on yourself. This will only put more pressure on you.Look on the last month as clear evidence that you are on the right path.
You are actually doing really well.
Keep believing in yourself.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Best wishes,

26-04-08, 20:38
hi rascal i think you are doing great and unfortunately you will get bad days but just keep going and before long the bad days will become less and less.xx

28-04-08, 19:57
thanks for your replys, im not doing too bad, still shakey and feeling nervous. one minute i will feel o.k and happy the next i start to worry about everything i have to do ie the shopping even seeing friends!!!!! etc, i know its silly but its a vicious circle im anxious about being anxious. its so frustrating, i just want to be normal again and get on with my life as before, socialising etc, this website has been my lifeline as well as my wonderful hubby. thanks once again for your replys. xx