View Full Version : vision and hearing

01-04-05, 13:02

does anyone else get strange fluctuations in thier hearing and vision. sometimes i feel i can see sparkling dots or i feel my clear full picture is breaking up because i can see like thousands of tiny dots like i would describe as like pixals on a t.v sometimes i think my hearing is going low which scares me at times to is this jus anxiety? does anyone else get these too?

01-04-05, 15:20
I get blurred vision and sometimes dots but never had a problem with my hearing that I can remember.


01-04-05, 15:38
Hi Caz,

Yes its very common .

Visual disturbances: Visual Disturbances (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2128)
Floaters: FLOATERS (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2211)


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01-04-05, 16:34
I get the dots in my vision but have never had a problem with my hearing..

02-04-05, 17:06
Hi caz,

hearing and vision....yep i too get the same problems. I get ringing in my ears when i get quite anxiuos and the floaters in my eyes seem to go crazy!! also light seems slighy odd and vision not quite clear...hard to explain but im sure you knw what i mean. I think its to do with your brain being alert for danager, adrenaline pumping making all your senses alert and ready for a scrap!!!

so, dont worry about them, complelty natural just a bi-product of the anxiety and they go as your anxiety eases....trust me...mine have....as have the crushing headaches!!!!

take care
