View Full Version : is anybody there?

milly jones
26-04-08, 21:08
had awful night. big row in our house with son and husband. i was in the middle. got very heated. son and husband said and did terrible things. been in chat but all busy getting ready for quiz. husband gone out in rage. dont know whats going to happen next.

26-04-08, 21:21
Hi Milly, Just found your post. I'm not gret at giving advice but I'm here if you want to talk


26-04-08, 21:26
hiya im sorry to hear that, i am sure given space they will both calm down. mayb just dont say too much about it have early night and mayb in morning after some time to sleep on it everything will be much calmer for all of u. sorry i cant be much help to you xxxxxxx

26-04-08, 21:27
hiya milly

i am sure your hub will calm down while he is out and come in feeling better

big :bighug1: hun

hope it gets sorted out hun

jo xx

26-04-08, 21:31
Hi milly,
Sorry to hear your having a bad night. I know it must be a worrying time for you, try to relax (i know easier said then done!) But try and take your mind off things. Put on a favourite dvd or talk to some people in chat. Anything that helps hun xx

milly jones
26-04-08, 21:32
thanks for listening xx

26-04-08, 21:38
Hi Milly, that's what we are all here for, to listen and support each other when the going gets tough.

I hate rows too, I always seem to think they are my fault which just ends up fueling the anxiety.

Hopefully your husband will have calmed down when he gets in and all will be forgotten.

:hugs: :hugs:

milly jones
27-04-08, 09:52
thanks all, took sleeping tabs ahd a deep sleep, and eveythings back into perspective this morning. here for u if u ever need me.xxxx

milly xxx


27-04-08, 10:29
Hi Milly :bighug1: :bighug1:
