View Full Version : new member learning her way around

26-04-08, 22:52
Hi everyone!
maybe i should have waited till my 16 year old son was home to help me navigate this site but feel so happy to have found somewhere i can share my fears about my panic attacks and not feel so alone. i think anxiety is a very isolating illness as so few people understand it if they haven't experienced it themselves!
My first question is do other people suffer from panic attacks at night? During the day I seem able to distract myself and surround myself with people but at night I feel so alone I can't stop my mind running away from me!! any ideas/tips/support?

thanks !!!

milly jones
26-04-08, 23:20
me same, was reading ur chat tonight. i wake sweaty, heart ponding esp about negative thought, or irrational fears. dont have pas as such in daytime. the worrying then begins, like mental ocd about conversations i've had with people, or lists of things to do and i cant get back to sleep. if u find a cure let me know please. cbt works for daytime most of time, but not when asleep!

xxx milly xxx

26-04-08, 23:23
Hi Hatji :welcome: to NMP......its great that you found us.....i know what you mean about night times, im a night owl and my hubbie is the opposite and i find the evenings really hard sometimes.... i tend to blow things even further out of proporion at night... i sit up on my own and my mind races with allsorts of thoughts and without the distractions of the day they become really hard to dismiss... its especially bad when i go to bed and am trying to get to sleep.... as for suggestions, .... i have tried self hypnosis cds when i go to bed which have helped sometimes but its still a problem , so they are not a total cure for me (although worth a go if you haven't tried them yet.....) i think in general the only real cure is to sort out the anxiety... full stop...and this is a work in progess still for me, so all i can say for certain is you are not alone in feeling this way... Take care
xx :bighug1:

26-04-08, 23:23
Hello & Welcome,

I'm new here too but have found everyone to be very kind & helpful.
It's really made me feel a lot better just to sit down & read the post and see that others have either the same or very similar symptoms. It just doesn't make you feel as alone anymore :).

As far as dealing with the attacks at night. When I first started having mine I would have them day & night for weeks at a time.

I would breath in a bag, that helped sometimes. I would get my ex to rub my tummy & he would encourage me that everything was ok, but most important I would have to remind myself that everything is ok & that this would pass. I know that this is the most difficult part.

I didn't have any attacks for several yrs. and they have just started again...so I'm having to train myself to think like this again.

I told someone the otherday how I felt one coming on & I made myself sing out loud...very badly I might add :D. I listened to how bad I sounded and that took my mind off of the symptoms.

Maybe I should make a CD for everyone and it would cure us all

I wish I could give you some better advice...

You're in good hands here though, there are some very knowledgeable folks on here that aren't as silly as I am.


27-04-08, 03:29
:welcome: to the site! :D

27-04-08, 07:14
Hi Hatije,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Have a look through the main menu for lots of information on panic attacks and coping mechanisms.
Best wishes,

27-04-08, 08:46
Hi Hatije

A big warm :welcome: to the site.

You have found the perfect place to feel safe to talk find info and make loads of friends along the way.

As for the nights I used to be a night owl, afraid and have panic. Now I take my meds at night so I sleep well, i suffer in the daytime.

Take care of you

27-04-08, 09:26
Good morning Hatije and :welcome: to the site.

Night time pa's ...... yuk lol. I dont' get them very often but I did have one last night. I try one of two things, I either put on my iPod for a while and concentrate on the music, or I play my ABC game (from my childhood but seems to work for me).

Pick a subject (anything ie fruit, furniture) and try to name one item beginning with a, b, c etc. It wont work for some because the brain is active but for me it is a lifesaver. I seem to get so bored I just fall asleep.

It worked again last night (how boring must I be if I send myself to sleep :blush: )

Have a good day and enjoy your time on NMP


27-04-08, 09:30
hiya hatije :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :biggrin: . you will get lots of support/advice from all the great members and make some great friends alomg the way. dont forget to visit the chat room where you can talk to us all about things or if you just fancy a chat and a giggle.
take care.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: .

kellie .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

30-04-08, 11:07

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

01-05-08, 17:43
Hi and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :smile: