View Full Version : Is it just a set back??

27-04-08, 03:11
I had such a great week and a half. The longest that I have felt great in about two years. I also got a new job after having 3 months off work and started last Monday and had been feeling really great at work except first day had racing heart.

I had Friday off work due to a Public holiday and since then I have been feeling lousy again.

I have been taking cipramil (10mg) for a month now and after the first two to three weeks of increased anxiety and side effects I began to notice that I felt about 90% better. I thought great they are working until the anxiety came back on Friday. I have had a terrible weekend and am now scared of how I will feel at work.

Is this just a set back? Should I feel much better soon taking the meds?

I want to keep feeling great ('normal').

27-04-08, 19:28
Hi Deb.... yeah i definitely think that this is just a set back....a new job can be a big thing to take on and im sure as much as you enjoyed it, it will have been tiring for you physically and emotionally. I find my anxiety is worse after a stressful or tiring period and yet strangely not during...... i had been a week panic free after 3 weeks of Citalopram and then had a panic attack on Tuesday morning, it knocked my confidence a bit too and i was worried whether the attacks were coming back but so far, nothing.....i would say not to worry about this, your body has has a tiring week and all you need is to regroup, rest up and im sure next week will be just fine...you are on the road to recovery, don't let this unsettle you.... you sound like you are doing great and making some really positive changes.. although the meds can help, everything you have achieved in the last week and a half has come from inside you... you have made it happen :yesyes: and im sure you will continue to go from strength to strength...
Best Wishes

27-04-08, 19:54
Hi Debstar,

We tend to put a great deal of pressure on ourselves during our recovery- thats not surprising considering what we have come through.
Learning patience in recovery is vital.
Keeping perspective in recovery is vital.
10 days of recovery is a great achievement and is something to be proud of and to build on and you must do that.
Keep believing in yourself.
Keep working at yourself.
You will succeed.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Best wishes,

28-04-08, 02:45
I'm so glad you've been feeling so well for that week and a half! Now you know you have it in you to feel like that so now focus on how great you felt and try not to panic when things are bad and before you know it that week and a half will turn into 2 weeks and a half and so on!

Don't let these little setbacks get you down! Just float by the tough times until you start feeling great again because like i said you now know that you can still feel like your old self again and these bad feeling are just a bad spell of panic and anxiety!!

Keep your head up! :yesyes:

28-04-08, 11:19
Thank you all for your lovely replies. You have made me feel more positive about getting better.

I had a much better day today except for a fast beating heart again and thought that I was going to faint, but that went away when I got busy working and didn't have time to think about it.

Thankyou all again xx