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View Full Version : wil the light at the end of tunnel go out suddenly

01-04-05, 14:14
hi just wondering that once you have recovered from an anxiety illness will it reoccur again just by thinking about the symptoms that you got when you had it?

01-04-05, 14:39
Hey Caz,

I think personally I will always be prone to having anxiety attacks, but the difference in the future, will be i will have learnt different coping strategies. So, i will kind of accept them as 'blips' and carry on. At the end of the day its all to do with how you deal with a situation. I know it sounds easier said, and i am still not there myself, but once you are confident in dealing with your anxiety, there hopefully will be nothing left to 'fear'?!

Thats just how i feel!! Do you feel that you have recovered now, or are you just thinking ahead?

tracy x x

01-04-05, 14:48
im just thinking ahead tracy. thanx 4 ur advice tho. i think for now i should jus concentarate on takin each day 1st and see how i get on. sorry i jus have a bad habit of thinkin ahead. x

01-04-05, 14:49
hi caz

I think most of us who have had anxiety symptoms will at some point have varying degrees of anxiety episodes agian ..HOWEVER saying that these may well be only minor we are all very vunerable to stress and having recovered myself i know that we must always be alert to our stress levels and take measures to keep ourselves okay.....however we have learnt coping stategies and this will help us,

take care


01-04-05, 16:12
Hi Caz,

I always draw the analagy of a broken bone. It may be healed and you may have the strength back in it and it may look completely normal.

However, when its damp, the weather changes or it gets a knock, you soon remember that it was injured in the past. It doesn't break it again but it is more vulnerable to aches and pains.

So, we get recovered from panic and anxiety - great. You have an extra stressful time and you may be vulnerable to head towards anxiety but with your new understanding , coping methods, thought patterns and holistic body care it does not bring about panic or anxiety....


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

01-04-05, 16:35
I think we will always have the ability to suffer from anxiety but as long as we know how to deal with it, it won't come out..

01-04-05, 17:19
I agree with the others, that we will always be in some way vulnerable to this. Most of us probably always were.

But as the others say, we learn coping strategies when we deal with this, and that can help a lot. It is possible that this could happen again, but I don't think it will happen just by thinking about it. You would have to think about it an awful lot, and to think about it that much, you're probably suffering from anxiety, which in turn is creating these thinking processes.

I believe the important bit is to take this as a lesson in looking after yourself. When we get better, I think it's necesary to take this into account, and keep in touch with how you feel, recognising when you're about to overload and putting a stop to it before it happens.


01-04-05, 17:55
The thing to remember even if they do return is that you will then know that u can get through it, because you have already done it once, i dont think u are ever as bad as the first time, and for me each time they returned it has been with a little bit less intensity If that makes any sence but try not to think that far ahead you may be lucky and they will never return take care good luck xx

kairen x

01-04-05, 19:37
I don't think it is the symptoms that bring it back, I think it is situations.

E.G. for me driving is the biggest problem so I can do fine for weeks until I get stuck somewhere and I remember how awful it was last time! Then I get anxious.

I am working on stopping those thoughts.


01-04-05, 20:10
Hi Caz

I agree with the others. Once you have had panic and anxiety then it is with you for the rest of your life. it is how you deal with it that is the key. I was once told (always by someone who has never suffered) don't let it rule your life. This can work in some situations but occasionally things get the better of you and you cannot see a way out but there is one. Try some holistic remedies. The Bach Flower Rescue remedy is a good one as are aconite and hypericum. Also Reiki and Reflexology are great too.
Take care
