View Full Version : Today I have.........Sunday

27-04-08, 10:05
This is the place to put your achievement/s for today no matter how tiny they were to you they were a triumph xxhugxx:yesyes:

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that
take our breath away"

27-04-08, 10:06
Some people are always grumbling because roses have thorns; I am thankful that thorns have roses.

27-04-08, 12:12
Well I have managed to hoover through downstairs, no mean feat when I feel like I am walking on a boat all the time and swaying but I did it. xxhugxx

27-04-08, 16:08
I went to the beach with my family and stayed there an hour without any panic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

27-04-08, 16:32
I wrote (in misc) that I was going to do my best today to get on with normal things, to try and avoid even more anxiety and panic and depression.....so

Today: I have done done a full load wash
Hoovered and cleaned my bedroom
Changed the bed linen
Eaten properly

27-04-08, 16:40
Oh Jesse and Hazey well done to you both what a great day you have both had. xxhugxx:whistles:

27-04-08, 16:56
:bighug1: to all of you x

Nothing new for me today because I've had to clear my bedroom and start packing - no mean feat lol

Still, 3 black bin bags later my room is emptier but my cupboards tidier hee hee

Take care


27-04-08, 17:05
Pickle what do you mean 'nothing' ?? sounds as though you have had a very productive day to me well done you. xxhugxx:yesyes:

27-04-08, 17:55
Well done Jimmirock and I hope you and your friend enjoy your walk later:hugs:

27-04-08, 18:09
:yesyes: Oh well done Jimmirock what a success for you xxhugxx

27-04-08, 19:05
Well done everyone on their achievements so far today!

Today I have........travelled to Edinburgh by motorway ( woo hoo, I HATE motorways), had to give directions too ( driver hadn't driven the road before), and I did it all without popping a propanolol or diazepam, and only 10 seconds of thinking 'OMG I'm gonna Freak' lol

27-04-08, 19:16
I ironed all the kids uniform, went to the supermarket and contacted a counseller about some CBT.
C xxx

27-04-08, 20:30
Pooh and Popsy well done what wonders you have achieved today bells and whistles for you both. xxhugxx:whistles:

27-04-08, 20:32
Jimmirock...eating I did not eat for weeks other than sucking polos!!! was hardly anything left of me, thankfully over that now weight back to normal but muscles still not working properly, as you say anxiety brings on side issues, I could not eat because of the dizziness.

I am going off for tonight now keep up these triumphs everyone and remember don't even think about tomorrow live for the minute you are in xxhugxx:hugs:

27-04-08, 22:05
Well done everyone on your acheivements today :D

I am a staff nurse . Today i did my first long day (07.30-19-30) in 12 years.
I have always worked the afternoons only as i find my anxiety is much worse in the morning.
A couple of weeks ago i must have had a moment of madness & volunteered to do the shift
Anyway...I was fine & even had a lovely roast lamb dinner & crumble pud! Although I'm now knackered! :)

27-04-08, 22:26
I have just got back home after facing one of my biggest demons....driving! For those that know me, my panic attacks and agrophobia returned nearly 8 weeks ago after being free of them for 12 years. Since their return I struggle everyday taking my three youngest to school, and that in the car is only a two minute trip. Tonight, I asked my boyfriend if he would come in the car with me while I drove around the block, well a big block, 5 mile round trip. Apart from my heart racing to begin with, and a funny sensation in my head, which I put down to the fact I was waiting for a panic attack to happen...I was fine.

We started to head home, then I took a right hand turn and headed to Werrington traffic lights...my biggest demon...the place where my panic attacks returned. As I approached they were green, but...then turned red. My first thought was 'oh no' and my mouth went dry...I sat at the light, yes I was fiddling with my hair and face...but I did it!! Then I told my boyfriend that I wanted to drive on the ring road around the city, as just 4 weeks ago I had a panic attack on there...and guess what?? I did it...no panic nothing! The girl racer in me even came back lol.

Am not saying that I am going to be able to do this everyday, because I know that things don't happen over night...but god I am so pleased with myself right now, as is my boyfriend. I think he was beginning to think that I had given up...but I have proved to him and myself tonight that I haven't. I am on such a high.

Oh I forgot to add, that on the whole I drove for 1 hour and 15 mins.