View Full Version : Glandular Fever

27-04-08, 11:02
Hey guys i have just been diagnosed with Glandular Fever which does explain the muscle aches and pains but i don't have a sore throat. Because i am panicked all the time i have convinced myself that i have HIV. Part of me thinks that this is irratinal but i read somewhere that it can often be mistaken for Glandular Fever. Last week it was MS- this week it is HIV. My boyfriend told me that any major abnormalities would show up in a blood test and my GP would notice it. Is this true? I am driving myself insane and am finding it difficult to concentrate on anything other than my health. is anyone else finding that irrational fears take over? xx

27-04-08, 14:00
Hi Teabag

I joined ths forum yesterday and posted this http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=29792

Don't let yourself go down the route I did.

If your doctor has diagnosed you with Glandular fever then that is what you have. Glandular fever has a particular bllod test and if that has come back positive they that is without any question what you have, regardless of whether you have a sore throat or not.

I am guessing you quite young, around 17 - 25, I might be wrong about that coz your profile doesnt say, but listen, HIV is a very high profile desease and young people do quietly worry about the possibilities of catching it, or having it. It's natuaral too do so, but don't let it become an obsession.

Doctors are not stupid and are well aware that HIV exists. They are by no means blind to it and if your doctor thought you were at risk he would advise ou to go to an anonymous clinic to have a test. Really Teabag, he would.

Acceot right now what the doctor said, you have glandular fever and in two to three weeks you will be feeling a lot better. Thogh sometimes gladuar fever last longer so don't start panicing if you still feel tired etc after three weeks, its quite common.

I personally believe a lot of anxiety conditions stem from Mononucleusis (Glandular fever) because one of the symptoms is Depression. I belive Glandular fever can have a profound affect on us. It's entorely plausable in my view that Glandular fever is a catalyst for many health anxiety conditions.

So heres what I think you should do... (and take this very seriously because suffering anxiety like I have for 17 year is no laughing matter)

1. Accept what your doctor tells you. He is the expert. He has trained to make diagnosis, you have not.

2. STOP looking up your symptoms on the internet. This is a big no no. Doing so can really let anxiety get a hold of you, and thats exactly what you need to avoid.

3. STOP thinking about HIV. Why is HIV more likely that Glandular fever? It's not, the doctor has told you you have landular fever.

4. Now you know you suceptable to anxiety about your health, and particularly HIV. Make sure you play safe all the time until you find someone you really want to settle down with for the rest of your life.

5. Do something to take you mind off this. Perhaps start exercising (only after you have recovered from glandular fever)

6. Remember that anxiety is your probem right now. Look through this forum and see how it effects peoples lives. Make it your mission not to let it happen to you. You are young and healthy (even though you have glandlar fever) and you have a lot too look forwards to.

7. Remember there is support out there. This forum is great and your doctor can refer you for help if anxiety really does get a grip of you.

I wish you the best, and I really hope you believe my words. You will be fine and you have got Glandular fever. Remember that Glandular fever can cause depression as one of its symptoms. This coupled with a low grade fever is bound to make you think a little unclearly. Get on with life and enjoy life, you only get one. Donlt be plonker like I was and obsess about bad things that never really happen.

Blimey, this is soooo theraputic writing this stuff. I wish I had the sense I have now when I was younger.

27-04-08, 14:32
Thankyou so much for your reply. I really appreciate the advice. i'm 28 and have only suffered with health anxiety for a year but recentely its got worse so am going to take action as i took on board your story. What a journey you've been on. Thanks again for the advice. xxx

27-04-08, 15:53
Well If my story helps you, and I hope it does, then thats somthing good that has come out of it.

27-04-08, 15:57
Oh and another thing....

Seventeen years I have suffered from what has sometimes been crippling anxiety.... Not one single time in that whole seventeen years has anything bad ever happened or any of my anxieties been founded. If I could take back the last seventeen years I would do everything differently.

01-01-10, 02:33
I know that this forum is old but I just came across it, i was diagnosed with glandular fever in april and I too have been worrying since then (8 months) that it is a mistake and its hiv. My glands have been swollen since and i started to suffer from ibs. I love our advice but its hard to think straight with anxiety isnt it. and i have no doubt that my anxiety is causing my ibs too. Teabag im just curious, your post was over a year ago how do you feel now?

01-01-10, 07:22

I was diagnosed with glandular fever in June this year (after a blood test), and also thought it could be something more serious. I still have a swollen tonsil from this, which my doc says is nothing to worry about.

If you are worried about HIV go to a local clinic and get tested. I'd also recommend your partner gets tested as well, just for peace of mind, but it's highly unlikely the docs would be wrong with their diagnosis of glandular fever.