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View Full Version : Spiritual Jems - Awakening your Spiritual Journey

27-04-08, 11:03

Spiritual Jems website:

Spiritual Jems staff are from the UK and Australia so we have class times to suit all. All our classes are FREE, we will never ask you for any payment.

Our community seeks to encourage and promote an atmosphere for positive spiritual growth. The members of our forum have a unique calling to activate and unlock spiritual knowledge that is hidden within our divinely created human bodies that are awaiting the chance to be reawakened.

You are a multifaceted spiritual being experiencing life through a physical body and a physical realm. We offer classes and healing opportunities that will help you realise your true life purpose and hidden divine gifts. We are all born with unique spiritual gifts. Spiritual Jems offers you the opportunity to uncover your own gifts in a caring and non judgmental environment.

We hope to promote a holistic spiritual experience and encourage open discussion on such topics as:

• Ascension
• Spiritual Awakening
• Starseeds
• Shamanism & Earth Based Spiritualism
• Healing Modalities
• Mother Earth & the Care of her Animal Kingdom
• Tarot, Numerology & Psychic Development
• Parenting Psychically Gifted Children

About our Classes:

Circle of Light Healing
Circle of Light healing sessions are a gentle and easy way to help those who are in need of assistance during our most difficult periods of life, or when we just need a quick pick me up.

Using the energy of the Universe, we not only help to charge and spiritually heal people, we help to open up your spiritual awareness in the process.

Reunite with totem animals, guardian angels, faeries and even passed loved ones. Non invasive, easy, effective. Sessions are once a week and open to all members of Spiritual Jems. Grab a candle, your crystals and join us.
© 2007 Spiritual Jems written by Michelle Haig

Healing with the Dolphins
The Dolphins along with the Whales are the record keepers of our Earth's Divine Knowledge and hold the Earth Hall of Records in the physical realm. They are highly evolved mammals and are rumoured to have come from the Sirius Star system before coming to Earth to play a vital role in our upliftment and evolution.They have humanities best interests at heart and are deeply loving and evolved creatures enabled to heal in a very advanced and powerful way. Dolphins use their sonic sounds and sonar energy to heal your physical and spiritual bodies by the use of sound vibration.

Healing with the dolphins is a unique healing experience. Allow the dolphins to heal your multidimensional bodies with their loving healing sonar energy. The experience in the spirit realms is just as powerful as if it were experienced in the physical world.
© 2007 Spiritual Jems written by Kerrie Craig

Meditation Classes
The meditation classes held here at Spiritual Jems are a form of open eyed meditations set in an online meditation group. You will learn how to quieten your mind, focus your visualization skills and learn how to open your self up psychically.

We work with our Master Guides, Ascended Masters, Arch Angels and many other types of Spiritual Beings from many realms and dimensions.

Regular meditation practice greatly enhances your psychic and spiritual development at an expediential speed of growth.

All members are welcome to participate in our meditations.
We look forward to journeying with you.
© 2007 Spiritual Jems written by Kerrie Craig

Crystal Connection
Crystal healing isn’t a new healing modality just linked to the so called “new age” movement - it is something that has been around for thousands of years. From the mythical Atlantis, to Ancient Egypt, to common everyday products like quartz movement watches, and automotive engines are touched by the power of the humble crystal. Many cultures myths have been built about them.

It is rumored the great continent of Atlantis was destroyed due to the irresponsible use of a “Great Crystal” power source - they used crystals for healing, record keeping, telekinesis, communication, everything in everyday life... Ancient Egyptians used to crush up lapis lazuli and malachite to use it as eye shadow, and also entombed pharaohs with crystal offerings as gifts for the afterlife… there is mention of crystals in the Holy Bible… the white porcelain part of every single spark plug is actually kyanite - a crystal known for never taking on any negativity therefore never needing cleansing.

Rose Quartz is synonymous with love, Amethyst is a calming, spiritual stone and beneficial for headaches, Jade I wore for many years and helped ease my symptoms of PMS, regulating my moods… You can use them to make tonics to take internally, place them on your person, carry them in your pocket, put them in your bath, sleep with them, they assist meditations, the possibilities are endless… You can even use specific crystals on your alter to honor you favorite Goddess or Archangel.

How does it work? The vibrations in each and every crystal work in conjunction with our own energy (or aura as it is more commonly known). They can have an immediate effect, or may take a while, depending on the nature/seriousness of the problem. And never, ever should crystal healing be used in place of proper medical advice.
© 2007 Spiritual Jems written by Michelle Haig

Hope to see you there! :D

Love and Light
Mel aka Little Wolf


27-04-08, 11:15
Hey Sax,

I think you know two of our UK owners .. I have sent you a PM.

Love and Light

15-05-12, 00:55
glad found this post, gonna take look in a mo xxx

---------- Post added at 00:55 ---------- Previous post was at 00:53 ----------

cant get there??? the link says not exist /cant find etc??? :( xxx

15-05-12, 01:11

The post is 4 years old so the site probably doesn't exist anymore

15-05-12, 01:36

the post is 4 years old so the site probably doesn't exist anymore
thanks xxx