View Full Version : fed up of panic

27-04-08, 11:31

I so fed up of this panic.

I woke up this morning and i just feel dread, fear, anxious and feel like a panic attack is gonna happen any minute.

Feel bit spaced out which always freaks me out.

I have reduced my meds 3 days ago so maybe that explains some of problem. but for past few weeks im just constanly anxious.

Sorry to go on, but im just so fed up and down with it.

I want to feel normal again but im just on edge all the time now

love mandie x

27-04-08, 12:15

i've been there, you will get better. distraction always helps and positive talking, telling yourself why you feel this way...adrenaline response for some silly reason that you might not even know!

The meds is im sure, not helping, please believe me - you will get there!

take care Char xxx

27-04-08, 12:42
Thank you Char

I really hope it will pass soon, its dragging me down.

Your right about the distraction. Im gonna put some music on in a bit and have a good clean

love mandie x

27-04-08, 14:55
:hugs: :hugs: Awww hun, i know exactly how you are feeling, take it from me when you wake up feeling like that theres me over the other side of the country waking up feeling exactly the same way! Had a massive attack today, worst ive had for ages, but im still here and life goes on, things can only get better surely!
Thinking of you babe. :hugs: :hugs:

27-04-08, 15:46
aw hun

I so sorry to hear u had big attack today. Wot bought yrs on do u no

I had a clean, turned up the music and for an hour felt bit better.

No i feel bit low again, spaced out etc.

This bloody anxiety

love mandie x

28-04-08, 14:21
Bloody Anxiety is EXACTLY right!!!! ahhhhh!!!!!

28-04-08, 14:55
Lots of people ask me what was the biggest thing that I did to overcome panic and phobias. I think, taking the attitude 'I just don't give a damn about anything any more'. I just do what I did when I was a kid - if there's something I don't like, I just don't think about it, or I fool myself that everything is OK. Like I had to go for PSA this mourning. It's a test to see if I have prostrate cancer or not. I ain't worried in the least. If it comes back positive then I'll deal with it then, but I ain't going to worry myself about it now.