View Full Version : tingling and hot when anxious

27-04-08, 11:34

Does anyone else feel really tingly in arms when they are anxious?

I hate it, my arms feel hot, tingly and weak, my legs feel weak to.

My body feels really hot and the more i think about it the worse i feel.

Does anyone else feel like this or is it just me. Feel like its not the anxiety and maybe i have something else wrong with me :weep:

love mandiex

27-04-08, 13:42
Hi Mandie hun :hugs:

I too get this very often I'm afraid it's another of anxietys symptoms for us hun :hugs: The amount of times I've said to myself "This is it this time" If you want to chat I'm here for you just pm me anytime :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: xxx

01-05-08, 17:59
I get that too, it's really not a nice feeling. My hands go all sweaty aswell.


01-05-08, 18:07
Hi how long does it last mine have been like that for about four days making me really anxious

01-05-08, 18:55
When iv had a panic attack i feel tingly for a day after.

If i feeling very anxious then i will feel tingly on and off all the time.

I think its hyperventilation

love mandie x

01-05-08, 19:07
babe its cause of hyperventilating. when you're not getting enough oxygen then its not travelling around your blood/body so therefore no blood in your fingers + toes = no oxygen in your extremeties - fingers, feet, arms etc.

its just another of those horrible symptoms that adds to the nightmare of anxiety. i hate it too cause it makes me feel like im floating. gggrgh x x