View Full Version : I'm getting worse

27-04-08, 12:30
Sorry, it's me again. My health worries seem to be getting worse. I now have a terrible habit of checking for blood in my syliva. This has been going on for almost a year now. I have had 2 cameras down my throat. The second time I was told I had reflux and my GP wondered if I maybe had Barretts Syndrom (which frightened the life out of me once I'd looked it up on google!!). I've been back to GP and now he says the inflamation in my throat is too high up to be Barretts (thank goodness). When I had the second camera down my throat a biopsy was taken and the result was clear. I only felt releif for a couple of weeks and am now worried again that I have throat/lung cancer. I am constantly spitting into the wash basin to see if there is any blood. Soemtimes it's a bit pink so there is blood coming from somewhere. My GP has told me to try and stop doing this and not to worry, he doesn't seem concerned which is what I wanted him to say but said I only need to have further tests if anything changes???!!! So I continue to check constanly to se if anything is different. Does anyone else have these symptoms? I really feel as though I can't cope with this anymore, it's ruining my life.

27-04-08, 13:22
Hi Vinny,

I sympathise with you :hugs: I remember going threw a stage checking my bowel movements with a toothbrush :blush: Health anxiety is a horrible infliction on us poor souls :weep: At the moment mine is also freaking me out I've diagnosed a brain tumour and allsorts :lac: Please try and distract yourself when you get the urge to constantly check your saliva I know it's easier said than done and I wish sometimes I could listen to my own advise. Isn't it great we have a fantastic place like this where there are others who go threw the same as we do. Have a hug from me to tide you over till this wee blip passes for you :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: xxx

27-04-08, 13:37
Hi Vinny

Iv done this before, it started when i brushed my teeth. Had a bit of blood from brushing to hard probably but became obsessed with checking all the time to see if i had blood.

Im focusing my attentions on something else this week! Like manmoor iv diagnosed brain tumours ad loads of other illnesses.

I dont know wot to suggest cause im having trouble dealing with this kind of thing myself

take care

love mandie x

27-04-08, 14:20
Pink in your saliva is completely normal. We all get that. when we spit we naturally gather saliva from anywhere we can produce moisture, round the gums and teeth, our tounges, our throat etc. It is highly likely that now and then we all cet minur cuts and scrapes all over our mouthes and throat, and of course when we spit there will be a bit of pink.

everyone occasionally scrapes thier throat, you can do this easily by eating solid food such as chips or crisps. We can burn ur throat by eating or drinking something too hot, and everyone get blood aorund thier gums from time to time for similar reasons.

I sympathise completely because I know how anxiety works. I once obsessed so much about swollen glands that i prodded deeper and deeper every day until not only were my gland swollen but my whole neck and throat were swollen.

Right now I have managed to phsycologically produce a sore throat just thinking about your plight. I know what it is now days though so I just ignor it and sure enough it goes away.

Trust your doctor.

27-04-08, 19:29
Thank you so much for your replies. I feel so much better (for the time being anyway). It's just so reassuring to know other people have the same symptoms as me. I sometime feel as though I'm going mad but this website has given me so much support. You guys are brilliant.