View Full Version : Candida information please

27-04-08, 13:32
Has any one suffered or suffering with candida and thursh. Did you cure it naturely yourself or got something from the drs.

I have read a book on this, but sometimes getting information from someone that has been though it helps to understand it more.

At the moment i am taking one a day KWAI galic tablets, as well as my vitamin b complex, magnesium and vit c.

I am finding the diet thing, very hard and also did you suffer any die off effects.

any information on this matter would be gratefully received, if you dont want to talk here, please feel free to pm me.

many thanks :D

milly jones
27-04-08, 14:25
i get thrush regularly in my mouth. think its due to meds as have v dry mouth. get it if suck sugar sweets eg if walking. non sugar seems to be better. dr gives meet repeat of daktarin gel in big tube as takes a week or so to go. its really expensive for a tiny tube at chemist,

hope that helps

27-04-08, 15:12
Yea ,I get Daktarin Gel on prescription to.
I get oral thrush if I don't rinse my mouth with water after useing my asthma inhalers.

miss diagnosis
06-05-08, 14:16

I had thrush on and off for ages. was really uncomfortable.
try having a hot bath with some tea tree oil as i found this comfortable. Also canestan but u need to get the pessary to really clean it out. also make sure ur partner (if u have one u didnt say)is also treated cos otherwise u will just pass it back and forth.

08-05-08, 08:50
also thrush thrives on heat so wear just cotten knickers and try not to wear tight fitting trousers like jeans. you can now get a oral tab from the chemist for this. and like miss said make sure ur partener is treating himself as a lot of time he wont get the symptoms but will carry the thrust and pass it back to you. twice a day with canestin cream for 10 days in normaly enough. natural yougert is a very good also applied to the area is very soothing and helps to kill it off.
hope some of this info helps.


08-05-08, 09:07
I have had thrush so many times i have lost count. I also have just finished a course of tablets for 6 months.

I had oral thrush when I was on steroids.

I agree with all the Kellie said, sometimes you can try some live yoghurt as well. And I started drinking yakult once a day for the bacteria.

08-05-08, 14:04
Yeah, I agree with Kellie - the oral tablet clears up the thrush and the cream helps sooth the "uncomfortableness" ;)

You can get them over the counter in Boots.

Jo xxxxx

01-07-08, 21:26
can someone tell me if the sides of your tongue hurts with thrush