View Full Version : My first panic attack

27-04-08, 15:27
Hi all,

I am looking for some reassurance / advice please. Last night I had my first panic attack - I have had health anxiety for about a month or so now - pretty much constantly (but have always been an anxious person). I have been posting on here about me panicking about having rabies as I have a nerve pain in my finger where I was bitten by a cat last Septemberin Greece. I have worked myself up about it despite ressaurances from the doctoor that there is no risk (the pain is so real and I heard it was a symptom). Last night after coming back from a comedy club with my boyfriend and Sister and her fiance I was trying to get to sleep and I kept feeling a tingling in my finger (the bitten one) and twitches on my back by my spine. I sat up in a panic and this led to my boyfirend lossing his cool slightly (only slightly) and getting very frustrated telling me again and again I did not have rabies and why could I not accept that. I tried to explain that it's hard when there is a very real pain / and feeling where I was bitten - a constant trigger.

I then started hyperventilating and could not stop crying. After about an hour my boyfriend rang NHS direct who were pretty useless and worked me up even more. I the tried and tried and tried to sleep by I had a racing heart and that horrible tight sort of heart / chest worried lurching pain that's so strong - I had this constantly and everytime I thought it was going to subside and I could finally get some sleep I got the whole lurch again - can anyone relate to this?

I called the docs this morning and have been prescribed valium and temazepan to help me sleep later. I have never taken this before. I took a valium about and hour and a half ago and I feel ever so slightly better but have just tried to sleep (I did not sleep at all last night and consequently am feeling all sorts of aches pains and tingles) but I keep getting the lurching feeling. It's sending me up the wall - can anyone relate to this and offer some advice?

Thanks so much

27-04-08, 16:37
When I had my first p.a last year (last Sunday in April like today!) my family rang nhs direct and eventually an ambulance :blush: I was convinced I was dying.

I suffered with palpitations for months until I got on propranolol.

I still have arm and chest pain but try not to worry about them (don't always succeed!) I understand the lurching feeling with my first p.a I wanted to call the ambulance a second time because of it.

Your rabies fear has probably come back as it was in the news yesterday. Whenever I hear of people having heart attacks my chest pains come back.

27-04-08, 16:54
Hi there, thanks for your replies. I did not see the news yesterday and am now panicked about what it said about rabies! Was it anything scary? Should I not be asking...? Too scared to look it up...

Granny Primark
27-04-08, 17:58
Hi Sharon,
I heard about the rabies scare.
But im certain that you have nothing to worry about at all.
3 people were bitten in a kennels by a puppy that had rabies.
Theyve been given injections and are probably going to be fine.
What they did say however, which should put your mind at rest. Is that anyone bitten by an animal that has rabies shows signs of rabies is the first week after they were bitten.
I hope that this gives you some peace of mind.

Take care

27-04-08, 18:31
Hi Lynn,

Thanks so much for your post. That really does help to put my mind at rest, thanks so much.

I am wondering how long the effect of the Valium last for - does anyone know? - I am new to all of this! I am getting a bit worried about trying to sleep tonight already but have been given sleeping tablets to help so fingers crossed!

Just want to shift the old tight chest feeling now - it's horrible! I am meant to be going on holiday on Friday and am worried will have another irrational anxiety bout then and am even considering not going. Has anyone else faced this situation and how did you cope? Thanks so much and sorry to be so needy - just find NMP so helpful!!

Granny Primark
28-04-08, 10:27
Sharon please try and go on your holiday it will do you the world of good.
3 years ago when i first started with panic attacks I chickend out of going on holiday on the day of departure.
We should have gone to Turkey. All my friends were in shock that I didnt go as holidays had been the love of my life.
Im sure if id have managed to be brave enough to have gone it would have helped with my anxiety.
However this year in septemeber Im going on holiday in this country. I know its going be a struggle but im determined im going do it. Even if I have to go to the docs and get something mild to calm me down.
Please come back on nmp and post your success story about your holiday and tell us what a brill time youve had!:yesyes:

Loads of love and good wishes

Take care

28-04-08, 13:25
Hi Lynn,

Thanks so much for that - I really want to go - so funny I am supposed to be going to Turkey too - I am taking this as a sign that I must go!

I will let you know how I get on. Everyone on here is so great - it has helped me no end.

I hope you have a lovely time on your holiday later this year - I am sure once you are there you will be able to relax into it.

Take care,