View Full Version : help me plz im having a panic attack

celia davies
27-04-08, 16:01
i feel like im dying what shall i do,iv got my little boy here i need 2 get out of it i can feel my heart beatin an fluttering is this normal i cant breath either

27-04-08, 16:24
hiya hun

ok first try to take deep breaths hun you are going to be ok ,keep thinking it is just a pa it wont hurt you and it wont last long.try take you mind off it go do somthing for a bit see if it helps .
when i get a pa i allways get a fast heart and ectopics (flutters) but then will go when you calm down hun they allways do try a glass of ice water that helps slow the heart down .


jodie xxx

27-04-08, 16:30
Breathe slowly- do you have a paper bag to breathe into/from? If you feel sick bend forward with your head in your knees. Just take it easy and very slowly. You WILL be ok.

27-04-08, 16:31
Firstly you're not dying. :) I had my first p.a this time last year (last Sunday in April) and thought I was dying then and I'm still here! Try to be calm and remind yourself it is just a p.a.

celia davies
27-04-08, 17:26
finally ive calmed dwn,ive been havin these years an still think im gonna die i feel so stupid wen i look back,thanku 4 ur replies

27-04-08, 19:29
Hope you're better celia.

28-04-08, 11:36
Hi Celia,

hope you are feeling better now.

I do the same as Jimmirock...i have propranolol as i had an attack that lasted days, now i just take as and when i need to.Not very often but they work pretty much straight away, slow the heart, make you feel generally calmer!

Hope this helps slightly,

char xxx