View Full Version : Going out, drinking etc.

27-04-08, 16:46
Okay, so I think I've got a mild, or normal dose of social anxiety, as I get nervous a lot, but it's usually about being nervous that I'm gonna get these anxiety symptons when I'm out/got to speak/present in front of people.

As I'm at Uni I go out a lot, and while it was fine the first semester pretty much, and the beginning of this one, recently it's come back. I can easily make it out, but I still feel a bit nervous and sometimes find it hard to eat/drink, and when I do drink sometimes I feel drunk but still with a small feeling of ill.

Anyone else get this? Anyone know how I can combat this oh so irritating feeling?


27-04-08, 21:09
It changes but it mainly happens before going out (im usually okayish at the club because I know I'm feeling okay so don't worry about it) and before presenting (likewise it's okay actually doing it)

I haven't take propranolol in a while though so I guess I should go back to taking it when I feel a little nervous!

30-04-08, 16:44
Hi Olly

Maybe it is the anticipation of the situation that is causing you to feel anxious before you go out?

You're not entirely sure what is going to happen, maybe situations play out in your head, or just the uncertainty of it all puts you on edge.

What do you think?

Jo xxxxx

06-05-08, 16:13
Think you nailed it on the head, Jo, it definately is :) See I'm mostly fine once I'm out (well, usually), it's just sometimes before I just get all nervous etc (usually on a night out that's different from the norm, different people and the like). I also think I get these feelings because I think i'm gonna get the feelings :/ so essentially Im feeling like this because I expect to feel like it, if that makes sense haha.

06-05-08, 21:29
No it makes total sense.

Problem is, if you expect to feel like that, you will end up feeling like that because it will make you anxious.

Maybe try instead to anticipate having a good time. Think of the friends you will talk to and actually visualise having a laugh and a good night out. This will help boost your mood and hopefully by the time you get there, you will be able to relax and enjoy the evening.

Jo xxxxx

08-05-08, 12:08
I don't normally get too anxious going out for a drink, but interestingly the alcohol makes me relax and I tend to cope better with normally potential anxiety triggers.

10-05-08, 01:17
Yeah Tony it's a good relaxant, for sure :)

Cheers Jo, next time (and every time) I'll anticipate having a great night out :D

26-05-08, 21:02
i used to love going out but i cant do it anymore i keep thinkin someone has spiked my drink an thats why i feel strange when i know its nothing more than anxiety

27-05-08, 01:58
I didn't used to drink, but since coming to uni i decided it was drink, and get to know afew people, or don't drink and lock myself away in my room..

So i decided to drink. I deffinatly don't regret it, it feels good when i go out drinking to clubs because i know i couldn't do it otherwise. I mean don't get me wrong, i would deffinatly not relie on it, or get addicted.. but using it at uni has deffinatly helped me to meet people.

I don't think i could go to clubs without drink, i'd just sit feeling awkward, i mean if i think about my anxiety too much when i drink it still effects me.. but when i go out drinking i just try to put it to the back of my mind..

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
28-05-08, 10:59
Hi ,
I can totaly relate to this, but reading this thread you said something very important.
(I wont get dependant or addicted to alcohol)
I am and have been for a long time, I cant bear to be around people I dont know.
I am going into Hospital 11th June to be detoxed as I am an alcoholic, I believe it was the drink that caused my agraphobia and anxiety and panic attacks etc.
It is so easy to go down the drink route but believe me, it's shite! dont go there.
When I am better in a few weeks I want to help alcoholics and as they say "I have been there and bought the t-shirt!!

Please stay away from the drink and get medication instead.

Take care and good luck.


Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
28-05-08, 11:01
Just noticed it wasnt the original poster that commented about being addicted to drink, sorry!


29-05-08, 15:49
I'm on medication aswell, what i meant about saying 'I won't get addicted' is that i'm pretty sensible about it, and i deffinatly don't drink more than alot of students..